

Vert.x Solr Service

Vert.x 3 solr service with event bus proxying.

TODO: Update the documents for vert.x 3 service proxying.


The configuration options are as follows:

    "hk2_binder" : <hk2_binder>,
    "client_type": <client_type>,
    "server_url": <server_url>

An an example configuration would be:

    "hk2_binder": "com.englishtown.vertx.solr.hk2.SolrBinder",
    "server_url": "http://localhost:8983/solr"

The SolrVerticle requires a SolrQuerySerializer to be injected. A DefaultSolrQuerySerializer has been provided which handles serialization/deserialization of json.

The default binding provided is for HK2, but you can create a guice module if that is your container of choice.

Dependency Injection and the HK2VerticleFactory

There are two ways to enable DI:

  1. In the vert.x.langs.properties set the java value to: java=com.englishtownvert-mod-hk21.7.0:com.englishtown.vertx.hk2.HK2VerticleFactor
  2. Pass a system property at startup like this: -Dvertx.langs.java=com.englishtownvertx-mod-hk21.7.0:com.englishtown.vertx.hk2.HK2VerticleFactory

See the englishtown/vertx-mod-hk2 project for more details.

Action Commands


Standard Solr query parameters are supported. In the below example, the "q", "start" and "rows" parameters are used. See the Solr CommonQueryParameters Wiki for query construction details.

The service replies with a json result with the following structure:

    "responseHeader": {
        "status": 0,
        "QTime": 1
    "response": {
        "numFound": <number_found>,
        "start": <start>,
        "docs": [<docs>]

An example result message would be:

    "responseHeader": {
        "status": 0,
        "QTime": 1
    "response": {
        "numFound": 21,
        "start": 0,
        "docs": [
                "id": "GB18030TEST",
                "name": "Test with some GB18030 encoded characters",
                "features": [
                    "No accents here",
                    "This is a feature (translated)",
                    "This document is very shiny (translated)"
                "price": 0,
                "price_c": "0,USD",
                "inStock": true,
                "_version_": 1475520188742893600
                "id": "SP2514N",
                "name": "Samsung SpinPoint P120 SP2514N - hard drive - 250 GB - ATA-133",
                "manu": "Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.",
                "manu_id_s": "samsung",
                "cat": [
                    "hard drive"
                "features": [
                    "7200RPM, 8MB cache, IDE Ultra ATA-133",
                    "NoiseGuard, SilentSeek technology, Fluid Dynamic Bearing (FDB) motor"
                "price": 92,
                "price_c": "92,USD",
                "popularity": 6,
                "inStock": true,
                "manufacturedate_dt": 1139844397000,
                "store": "35.0752,-97.032",
                "_version_": 1475520188790079500
                "id": "6H500F0",
                "name": "Maxtor DiamondMax 11 - hard drive - 500 GB - SATA-300",
                "manu": "Maxtor Corp.",
                "manu_id_s": "maxtor",
                "cat": [
                    "hard drive"
                "features": [
                    "SATA 3.0Gb/s, NCQ",
                    "8.5ms seek",
                    "16MB cache"
                "price": 350,
                "price_c": "350,USD",
                "popularity": 6,
                "inStock": true,
                "store": "45.17614,-93.87341",
                "manufacturedate_dt": 1139844397000,
                "_version_": 1475520188795322400
                "id": "F8V7067-APL-KIT",
                "name": "Belkin Mobile Power Cord for iPod w/ Dock",
                "manu": "Belkin",
                "manu_id_s": "belkin",
                "cat": [
                "features": [
                    "car power adapter, white"
                "weight": 4,
                "price": 19.95,
                "price_c": "19.95,USD",
                "popularity": 1,
                "inStock": false,
                "store": "45.18014,-93.87741",
                "manufacturedate_dt": 1122913825000,
                "_version_": 1475520188807905300
                "id": "IW-02",
                "name": "iPod & iPod Mini USB 2.0 Cable",
                "manu": "Belkin",
                "manu_id_s": "belkin",
                "cat": [
                "features": [
                    "car power adapter for iPod, white"
                "weight": 2,
                "price": 11.5,
                "price_c": "11.50,USD",
                "popularity": 1,
                "inStock": false,
                "store": "37.7752,-122.4232",
                "manufacturedate_dt": 1139961359000,
                "_version_": 1475520188810002400