

Energy Web Client UI

To quickly get started just download the binary for your OS and install the software.




Release history


About Energy Web Client UI

The Energy Web Client UI (EWF UI) is a User Interface desktop application for the Parity Ethereum Client >=v1.10. It features a Wallet supporting Ether and ERC-20 Tokens, a contract development environment, and so much more. EWF UI will download and run Parity Ethereum Client in the background if it is not found on the system. By default EWF UI will try connect to Tobalaba using Websocket port 8546.

Build from source

npm install
npm run electron

You should see the Electron app popping up.

Build the binary (Optional)

One further, albeit optional step is to create an OS-spefific binary. This is done with the following command:

npm run release

This command may take some time. Once finished, you will see binaries for your OS in the dist/ folder.

EWF Client usage

Visit our EWF Wiki for high level, or Parity's Wiki for in depth information.

Any issues with the client itself?

Client related issues are best filed in the Parity Repo.

How to get in touch?

Get in touch with EWF.

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