Secure contact form ready for Heroku.
Sinatra app for receiving encrypted PGP messages on Heroku.
Install the gems
$ bundle install
Run the app locally
$ shotgun
Your app should then be running at http://localhost:9393
PGP Config
Open the views/contact.erb file and replace in line 17 -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- with your public PGP key.
Open the app.rb file and replace in line 7 with your email.
Heroku App Creation
Heroku relies on Git for deploying apps so initialize git for the app.
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial Commit"
To create a Heroku app, first be sure you are signed up. Then type the following in Terminal while inside of the project directory.
$ heroku create NAME_OF_YOUR_APP
Heroku allows you to use the Sendgrid addon to send emails. You can sign up for a free account (up to 200 emails a day) using the following code:
$ heroku addons:add sendgrid:starter
Setup EMAIL_SERVICE with the following command
$ heroku config:add
Once this returns successfully, push your app to Heroku.
$ git push heroku master
- v1.4 Update OpenPGP.js to v0.9.0
- v1.3 Update OpenPGP.js to v0.7.1
- v1.2 Update OpenPGP.js to v0.6.0
- v1.1 Update OpenPGP.js to v0.5.1
- v1.0 Release