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Streamlined automatic C/C++ v8 bindings generator for Node.JS inspired by tolua++ (requires C++11)

Core idea is the ability to easily bind to C/C++ by providing a header-like description of the native interface that is a subset of C++ (format is called Native Interface Description https://github.com/CodeCharmLtd/NID):

Simple things:

int global_variable;

std::string global_function(int a, float b);

struct Rect {
  int x;
  int y;
  int w;
  int h;
bool rectangles_intersect(Rect a, Rect b);

More complex things:

#include <stdio.h>

int errno; // make errno available as getter and setter

// make fopen available and mark FILE* pointers for automatic closing when gced
FILE * [[free(fclose)]] fopen(const char* filename, const char* mode);

// make fread available and automatically set one of its arguments
size_t fread(void* ptr [[buffer]], size_t size, size_t nmemb [[set(ptr.length / size)]], FILE* stream [[handle]]);

// tell cbind to mark the object containing pointer as invalid
int fclose(FILE* f [[clear_free,unref]]);
<a name="complex_weird_cases_function_pointer_handling"> ## Complex weird cases function pointer handling Consider this declaration (valid C and valid NID): ```c++ void (*catch_and_return(void (*callback)(char* a, char* b, int* c), char *name_one, char* name_two, int* number))(char* a, char * b, int c); ``` Do you know what it does? Actually it is a declaration of function taking 4 arguments: * `callback` - pointer to function `void(char* a, char* b, int* c)` * `name_one` - string * `name_two` - string * `number` - pointer to number

This function returns another function pointer void(char* a, char* b, int)

It turns out cbind can generate bindings for this that fully work:

bindings.catch_and_return(function(a, b, c) {
  console.log(a, b, cBind.derefInt(c));
}, "str1", "str2", cBind.createInt(30))("FINAL", "TEST", 44);

Supported and tested features

Implemented and initially tested

Planned features / Not supported yet


How-to use

void hello(int b);
  "targets": [
      "target_name": "cbind_example",
      "sources": [
      "include_dirs"  : [
          "<!(node -e \"require('nan')\" 2> /dev/null)",
          "<!(node -e \"require('cbind')('example.nid')\" 2> /dev/null)"
      "cflags": ["-g", "-std=c++11"],
			"cflags_cc!": [ '-fno-exceptions' ]

#include <cstdio>

void hello(int a) {
  printf("Hello world: %i\n", a);

#include <cbind_example.h>

void init(v8::Handle<v8::Object> exports) {

NODE_MODULE(tov8_example, init);
var bindings = require('./build/Release/cbind_example.node');
bindings = hello(42);

The above is in the repository https://github.com/CodeCharmLtd/cbind-example

Please open issues or follow example tests. README will be gradually expanded.

Special thanks

https://github.com/celer/fire-ts - awesome templates for code generation

<a name="authors"/> ## Authors * Damian Kaczmarek <damian@codecharm.co.uk> <rush@rushbase.net> <a name="sponsors"/> ## Sponsors Please open an issue if you would like a specific feature to be implemented and sponsored. <a name="license"/> ## License Copyright (c) 2013-2014 [Code Charm Ltd](http://codecharm.co.uk)

Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE for details.