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The tool for building web projects created with the BEM methodology.


The main purpose of ENB is to combine source files into bundles, usually for further use in the browser.

The build includes combining all source files, processing them and converting the code, as well as preparing and packing the resources (images, fonts, and so on).

Read more about building BEM projects on the bem.info site.

Basic features of ENB


$ npm install --save-dev enb

Getting started

To create a BEM project configured for the build with ENB, use one of these options:

  1. Install a project-stub template project that supports ENB builds by default.
  2. Create a project that suits your tasks. To do this, answer the questions in the BEM project generator based on Yeoman.




ENB technology packages are located in NPM: packages with the enb prefix.

BEM methodologies
BEMNPM versionTechnologies for building BEM projects.
BEViSNPM versionTechnologies for building BEViS projects.
bem-xjstNPM versionBuilding BEMTREE and BEMHTML templates with bem-xjst.
xjstNPM versionBuilding BEMTREE and BEMHTML templates with XJST.
bhNPM versionBuilding BH templates.
btNPM versionBuilding BT templates.
CSSNPM versionBuilding and minimizing CSS files.
PostCSSNPM versionBuilding and processing CSS files with postcss.
StylusNPM versionBuilding and minimizing Stylus files.
SaasNPM versionBuilding Sass files.
RooleNPM versionBuilding roo files.
JavaScript![NPM version] (https://img.shields.io/npm/v/enb-js.svg)Building, processing and minimizing JS files.
YModulesNPM versionBuilding JS files with YModules.
Public facilities
ExamplesNPM versionBuilding BEM examples.
DocsNPM versionBuilding BEM documentation.
Browser testsNPM versionBuilding and running tests for client-side JavaScript.
Node testsNPM versionBuilding and running tests for BEM templates.
Template testsNPM versionBuilding and running tests for BEM templates.


© 2013 YANDEX LLC. The code is released under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.