

Open Source Love

Magento 2 - Magento 1 Migration Tool

Documentation In Progress...


<span style="color:red ">Module has not been used for 24 months, so you might have few issues in 2.4 ;-) </span>

<span style="color:red ">This tool was never used with MSI, it was used from M2.1 up to M2.3 without MSI</span>

<span style="color:red ">Feel Free to Create a PR that supports MSI</span>


Installation is via composer

composer require enanobots/m2-m1migration

After installing the packages just run:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade


Used on:

How this works?

There are 2 ways the import works. I recommend checking both classes and the code before you start working on this

The idea behind this module is simply to determine & capture the differneces in between Magento 1 and Magento 2 databases and simply MAP data from 1 database to another without any weird logic behind it. Module only imports data so:

Module adds a lot of CLI commands to support:

Supported Data Migration


  1. You need to have Magento 1 database access
  2. Log to Admin Panel and configure M1 database access under: Stores -> Configuration -> M1 Import Tools
  3. Save Configuration
  4. Go to CLI and run: php bin/magento nanobots:import:full

The script will:

During import you will be shown the status of migration for specified entities: img.png

Product import:

Module only imports:

For bundle products / downloadable products you have to create a proper table sync operations.