

<h1 align="center">Welcome to prisma-uml 👋</h1>

A CLI to transform a Prisma schema to a PlantUML Entity RelationShip Diagram

npm npm CircleCI (all branches)


Using npx

If you don't want to install the CLI but just execute it, you can use it through npx this way

npx prisma-uml --help

Install with npm

You can also install the CLI globally

npm i -g prisma-uml
prisma-uml --help


prisma-uml <path> [options]

Generate a plantUML from a Prisma schema

prisma-uml <path> [--output] [--server] [--file]


pathPath to Prisma schema.


NameAliasDescriptionType / ChoicesDefault
--output-oOutput of the diagramstring / [text | svg | png | jpg]text
--server-sPlantUML Server URLstringhttps://www.plantuml.com/plantuml
--file-fFilename or File full path to outputstring
<details><summary><strong>Examples</strong></summary> <p>
# Output a plantUML Entity Relation Diagram as text
prisma-uml ./schema.prisma

# Save the diagram into a .plantuml file
prisma-uml ./schema.prisma > my-erd.plantuml

# Output a diagram as SVG
prisma-uml ./schema.prisma --output svg --file my-erd.svg

# Output a diagram as PNG
prisma-uml ./schema.prisma -o png -f my-erd.png

#  Use a plantUML custom server to render the image
prisma-uml ./schema.prisma --server http://localhost:8080
</p> </details>

Image Rendering

Using the official PlantUML server online

PlantUML usually requires to have Java installed or a server to render the images. By default the official online server (https://www.plantuml.com/plantuml) is used to render the images. The plantUML diagram is first compressed then encoded (plantUML encoding) and finally sent to the server to execute the rendering.

Using a local server with Docker

You might want to avoid sending your diagram over the wire for some reason, prisma-uml allows you to specify a custom/local server. You could easily run your own local server using Docker:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 plantuml/plantuml-server:jetty

You server is now available (depending of you Docker installation) at http://localhost:8080. You can then use prisma-uml as follow:

prisma-uml ./schema.prisma --server http://localhost:8080



Incoming changes


👤 Brendan Stromberger

👤 Yann Renaudin

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