

ArchiveBox QuickAdd

A simple utility application to quickly archive URLs with an existing ArchiveBox instance in the background and without interrupting your current work.

Version: 1.8

App Logo

Developed with Golang using the fyne toolkit.

Please note, that this software is primarily tested on Linux systems at the moment.

Note: Because there is no real HTTP API of the ArchiveBox software (yet), the solution used in this app to login and submit a link should work in general, but this is not how it should be done with an existing HTTP API.


Upcoming features

Install, Build and Run

$ go install github.com/emschu/archivebox-quick-add@latest


$ fyne get github.com/emschu/archivebox-quick-add

Current language support: English and German. Feel free to translate the app and submit a PR!


Screenshot of app Screenshot of app's settings


If you find a bug or want to request new features, please use GitHub issues.

Pull Requests are welcome!


The fyne toolkit is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License:

Copyright (C) 2018 Fyne.io developers (see AUTHORS)
All rights reserved.

This app is distributed under GNU Affero General Public License v3. See LICENSE for more information.