

Web Shell Detector

<img src="http://www.emposha.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/shelldetect3-300x201.png" width="100" align="left" style="padding-right: 4px;" /> Web Shell Detector – is a php script that helps you find and identify php/cgi(perl)/asp/aspx shells. Web Shell Detector has a “web shells” signature database that helps to identify “web shell” up to 99%. By using the latest javascript and css technologies, web shell detector has a light weight and friendly interface.

Web Shell Detector is released under the MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

Console version (python): https://github.com/emposha/Shell-Detector


Piotr Łuczko

John Thornton


Number of known shells: 604


PHP 5.x, OpenSSL (only for secure file submission)


To activate Web Shell Detector:

  1. Upload shelldetect.php and shelldetect.db to your root directory

  2. Open shelldetect.php file in your browser

    Example: http://www.website.com/shelldetect.php

  3. Use default username & password

    Username: admin Password: protect

  4. Inspect all strange files, if some of files look suspicious, send them to http://www.shelldetector.com team. After submitting your file, it will be inspected and if there are any threats, it will be inserted into a “web shell detector” web shells signature database.

  5. If any web shells found and identified use your ftp/ssh client to remove it from your web server (IMPORTANT: please be careful because some of shells may be integrated into system files!).



