

UNWARCIT: WARC (and WACZ) Unzipping Library


This library provides a command line interface to unzip warc and wacz files.

Builds off of the warcio library to read and validate warc files and the py-wacz library to validate wacz files.

Both libraries are provided by Webrecorder


Install by cloning the repo and then running: python3 setup.py install

You can now run the tool like so: unwarcit metro_capture2.wacz data.warc --output myfolder

You can pass a single file or a list of files, either warc or wacz, separated by spaces to unwarcit by placing them after the unwarcit command. unwarcit warcfile1.warc warcfile2.warc waczfile.wacz

Configuration Options

<details> <summary><b>Unwarcit currently accepts the following parameters:</b></summary>
      --help                                Show help                  [str]
      --version                             Show version number        [int]
      --output                              The folder to output the results to [str]