

Recurrent Memory

This repository contains the code for reproducing the results reported in the following paper:

Orhan AE, Ma WJ (2019) A diverse range of factors affect the nature of neural representations underlying short-term memory. Nature Neuroscience, 22, 275–283.

The code is written in Theano (0.8.2) + Lasagne (0.2.dev1). The code was originally run on a local computer cluster. If you are interested in running the following experiments on a cluster, I have some simple shell scripts that can facilitate this. Please contact me about this or about any other questions or concerns. You can find my contact information on my web page.


As described in the paper, there are six main experimental conditions.

python run_basic_expts.py --task 0 --model 0 --lambda_val 0.98 --sigma_val 0.0 --rho_val 0.0

where task is the integer code for the task, model is the integer code for the model, lambda_val is the value of the lambda_0 hyper-parameter, sigma_val is the value of the sigma_0 hyper-parameter divided by sqrt(N) (where N=500 in all simulations), and rho_val is the value of the rho hyper-parameter in the paper. For the tasks reported in the paper, use the following integer codes for task: DE-1 (0), DE-2 (1), CD (2), GDE (4), 2AFC (6), Sine (7), COMP (8).

python run_basic_expts.py --task 0 --model 1 --lambda_val 0.98 --sigma_val 0.0 --rho_val 0.0

i.e. set the model argument to 1. This uses the model with fast weights as described in the paper.

python run_tethered_expts.py --task 0 --model 0 --lambda_val 0.98 --sigma_val 0.0 --rho_val 0.0
python run_dynamic_expts.py --task 0 --model 0 --lambda_val 0.98 --sigma_val 0.0 --rho_val 0.0
python run_vardelay_expts.py --lambda_val 0.98 --sigma_val 0.0 --rho_val 0.0


utils.py contains the function compute_SI that demonstrates how to compute the mean sequentiality index (SI) for a batch of trials as described in the paper.