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Preemptive multitasking (native threads pool) based storage driver. Uses thread-per-task approach for I/O.


Batch Mode

A storage driver implementation can use the batch mode to work with the load operations to increase the efficiency.


the following equation should always be true: Q<sub>output</sub> ≥ Q<sub>input</sub> * S<sub>batch</sub>

otherwise, there may be the load operation results handling failures.

Heap Memory Consumption

The default Mongoose's load-batch-size configuration value is 32,768. The preemptive storage driver plugin which the task for each load operations batch. The default input queue size (storage-driver-limit-queue-input) is 1,000,000. This yields the 32,768,000,000 instances of the load operations in the runtime and require ~ 6 terabytes of the heap memory. To avoid this behavior, override the defaults:

Q<sub>input</sub> * S<sub>batch</sub> ≤ 1,000,000