



BalloonRSS is a simple RSS aggregator that displays incoming messages as balloon tooltips in the windows task bar. The news entries themselves are linked and read with the browser.

This project was initially hosted on SourceForge and transfered to GitHub in 2020.


Supported systems

BalloonRSS is developed to be used on any Win32 system, where the .NET framework is available, which includes:


The base message recurrence is set to 5 minutes per default, so you have to wait a bit until your first messages will appear.


As you start the application you get a notify icon in the windows task bar (at the right botton, near the clock). All commands are accessed by the context menu (right click on the icon). Make sure that the icon is always shown and not hidden by configuring this in windows.

A single left click enters pause mode. Double clicking the icon may also have functionality if this is configured in the application settings.

Color codes of the icon:

You can obtain further information from the application's help file or on the website: https://embyt.github.io/balloonrss/