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The ember-a11y-landmarks addon helps you assign the role attribute that should go on landmark tags like <header> and <nav>, without needing to learn the intricacies of when to add roles or what they should be. A landmark is a special kind of semantic HTML tag that Assistive technology(AT) uses to parse a page correctly.

When is this addon needed? In a typical Ember app, almost everything gets wrapped in a <div>, but this can be confusing to tools like screen readers. The Assistive Technology expects that either landmark elements are direct descendants of the <body> element or that they have a particular role attribute. ember-a11y-landmarks handles this problem for you.

How this addon works

This addon helps add the correct roles to the following elements:


While semantic landmark tags are best for accessibility, some developers may be faced with working on an app that uses div tags instead. For those cases, this addon provides a way to add roles to a div element until they can be refactored (see Div Usage).

ember install ember-a11y-landmarks

Landmark Tag Usage

This addon is used like a block component. Just set the tagName attribute to header, nav, aside, main, form, or footer, and put your content inside the block. For example, here's a header:

<A11yLandmark @tagName="header">
    This is my header content

The resulting markup in the DOM will have the correct tag type and the role that should be used for that tag:

<header id="ember337" role="banner" class="ember-view">
    This is my header content

Div Usage

If a developer must use a div instead of a semantic tag like <header>, define landmarkRole instead of tagname. You can look up the correct landmark role in the How this addon works table. Here's a header example:

  <A11yLandmark @landmarkRole="banner">
      This is my header content (that should be refactored later to go inside a real header tag)

In the DOM markup, this will result in a div with the specified role:

<div id="ember337" role="banner" class="ember-view">
     This is my header content (that should be refactored later to go inside a real header tag)

Form/Search Usage

If defining a form, no additional landmarkRole is required. However, if the form will be used as a search, then the landmarkRole value should be set to search.


<A11yLandmark @tagName="form">


<A11yLandmark @tagName="form" @landmarkRole="search">


Contributions to this project are encouraged.
