

POP (Properties Optimization Point)

This repository contains the implementation of the following paper:

  title={Unsupervised Learning Framework for Interest Point Detection and Description via Properties Optimization},
  author={Pei Yan and Yihua Tan and Yuan Tai and Dongrui Wu and Hanbin Luo and Xiaolong Hao},
  journal={Pattern Recognition},

Getting started

You can get the complete code with the git clone command:

git clone https://github.com/elvintanhust/POP-Interest-Point.git
cd POP-Interest-Point

This code is developed with Python 3.8 and PyTorch 1.4, but the packages with the later versions should be also suitable. Typically, conda and pip are the recommended ways to configure the environment:

conda create -n POP python=3.8
conda activate POP
conda install numpy matplotlib scipy
conda install pytorch cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
pip install imgaug
pip install 'opencv-contrib-python<=3.12'

Pretrained models

We provide the pre-trained models in the save_POP_model/ and save_recon_model/ folders:

The evaluation of POP

We provide the evaluation code for HPatches dataset, which references the evaluation process of SuperPoint. Before perform the evaluation on the entire HPatches, you can first verify the environment by running the script directly:

python eval_POP_net.py

If the environment is configured correctly, the following information will be printed in the terminal:

--------start the evaluation of POP--------
(epsilon=1) id:0 repeat:x.xxx homo_corr:x.xxx m_score:x.xxx ...
## accuracy on the entire dataset (epsilon=1):
## repeat:x.xxxxx homo_corr:x.xxxxx m_score:x.xxxxx ...
(epsilon=3) id:0 repeat:x.xxx homo_corr:x.xxx m_score:x.xxx ...
## accuracy on the entire dataset (epsilon=3):
## repeat:x.xxxxx homo_corr:x.xxxxx m_score:x.xxxxx ...

--------start the evaluation of superpoint--------

Here POP and several comparison methods (SuperPoint, SIFT, ORB) are evaluated on the i_ajuntament sequence in HPatches. The default model of POP is set as save_POP_model/POP_net_pretrained.pth. Note the i_ajuntament sequence has been placed in the hpatches-sequences-release folder so that the eval_POP_net.py script can be run directly. Furthermore, the pre-trained model superpoint_v1.pth provided by SuperPoint is also included in this repository to simplify the configuration.

In the above process, the statistics_results folder is created automatically and the main statistics results are written in it. After the evaluations of all methods, four text files, namely ORB.txt, POP_net.txt, SIFT.txt, superpoint.txt, should appear in this folder.

The environment is verified to be correct if the above statistics results can be outputted. Then you can place other data in the hpatches-sequences-release folder to further evaluate the methods. Note the format of the data should be consistent to the HPatches sequences. One convenient way is to download the HPatches sequences first, and then unzip it into the hpatches-sequences-release folder.

For more details about all parameters of eval_POP_net.py, run python eval_POP_net.py --help.

Training the model

Training POP without informativeness property

You can first verify the environment by running the script directly:

python train_POP_net.py

This command performs the training process of POP, and the training images are in the demo_input_images/ folder. If the environment is configured correctly, the following information will be printed in the terminal:

## ep:1 iter:0/1 ##  loss_detection:x.xxx  loss_description:x.xxxx  loss_informativeness:x.xxxx ...
## ep:3 iter:0/1 ##  loss_detection:x.xxx  loss_description:x.xxxx  loss_informativeness:x.xxxx ...

And the training process will write the checkpoints of POP into the save_POP_model/ folder. The name of the checkpoint is formatted as POP_net_epoch_endx.

The environment is verified to be correct if the above process can be finished without error. To train your model, you can place other data in the demo_input_images folder, or specify the training folder with the --train-image-path parameter:

python train_POP_net.py --train-image-path /the/path/of/training/dataset

To reproduce the performance in the paper, you can train POP with COCO 2014 training set (containing 82783 images). In our experiments, one or two epochs are normally enough to achieve the performance similar to that in the paper.

You can also set the --POP-checkpoint-path parameter to make the model be initialized with the given checkpoint:

python train_POP_net.py --POP-checkpoint-path /the/path/of/POP/checkpoint

For more details about all parameters of train_POP_net.py, run python train_POP_net.py --help.

Training POP with informativeness property

The computation of informativeness depends on the model of reconstructor which is detailed in the Section 3.4. We have provided the pre-trained model of reconstructor, namely recon_net_pretrained.pth in the save_recon_model/ folder. So you can train POP with informativeness property by running

python train_POP_net.py --recon-net-path save_recon_model/recon_net_pretrained.pth

Training the model of reconstructor

You may want to train the model of reconstructor which is detailed in the Section 3.4. To achieve it, you just need to place your training images in the demo_input_images/ folder and then run the script:

python train_recon_net.py

Or you can specify the training folder with the --train-image-path parameter:

python train_recon_net.py --train-image-path /the/path/of/training/dataset

You can also set the --recon-checkpoint-path parameter to make the model initialized with the checkpoint:

python train_POP_net.py --recon-checkpoint-path /the/path/of/reconstructor/checkpoint

During the training process, the following information will be printed in the terminal:

ep:1 iter:0/1  loss:x.xxxx
ep:3 iter:0/1  loss:x.xxxx

And the training process will write the checkpoints of the reconstructor into the save_recon_model/ folder. The name of the checkpoint is formatted as recon_net_epoch_endx.

For more details about all parameters of train_recon_net.py, run python train_recon_net.py --help.

The visualization of informativeness results

In the Section 5.5 of paper, we visualize the informativeness results in Fig. 3. This can be achieved by running:

python recon_full_image.py

Then the images demo_input_images/ folder are considered as the input images, and the the results can be obtained in the recon_image_results/ folder. Note the visualization results here are slightly different from that shown in the paper. The reason is that here the pre-trained reconstructor model is just trained with COCO dataset but not fineturned for the single image.

For more details about all parameters of recon_full_image.py, run python recon_full_image.py --help.