

Redux externs and support classes for Haxe

A smart set of externs, abstracts and macros for a smart Haxe and redux integration.

By default the externs use @:jsRequire (eg. JS require).

To use a global Redux JS (eg. https://cdnjs.com/libraries/redux) add: -D redux_global.

Basic API

The base externs work exactly as described in the redux documentation.

Advanced API

Using the StoreBuilder helper it is possible to leverage Haxe Enums to dispatch and match actions.

Store setup

	import redux.StoreBuilder.*;

	// store model, implementing reducer and middleware logic
	var todoList = new TodoList();

	// create root reducer normally, excepted you must use
	// 'StoreBuilder.mapReducer' to wrap the Enum-based reducer
	var rootReducer = Redux.combineReducers({
		todoList: mapReducer(TodoAction, todoList)

	// create middleware normally, excepted you must use
	// 'StoreBuilder.mapMiddleware' to wrap the Enum-based middleware
	var middleware = Redux.applyMiddleware(
		mapMiddleware(TodoAction, todoList)

	// user 'StoreBuilder.createStore' helper to automatically wire
	// the Redux devtools browser extension:
	// https://github.com/zalmoxisus/redux-devtools-extension
	return createStore(rootReducer, null, middleware);


The regular Redux store.dispatch is declared to accept the type Action which is in fact a Haxe abstract capable of auto-converting Haxe Enums into a regular { type, value } Redux object.

For code to be seamless, simple wrapper functions provides the right Haxe Enum value to the reducer/middleware.

// Use regular 'store.dispatch' but passing Haxe Enums!
	.then(function(_) {
		store.dispatch(TodoAction.Add('Item 5'));
// TodoList.hx

// Match the Haxe Enum directly in your reducer!
public function reduce(state:TodoListState, action:TodoAction):TodoListState
	return switch(action)
		case Add(text):
			var newEntry = { id: '${++ID}', text: text, done: false };
			copy(state, {
				entries: state.entries.concat([newEntry])
		case ...
// Match the Haxe Enum directly in your middleware!
public function middleware(store:StoreMethods<ApplicationState>, action:TodoAction, next:Void -> Dynamic)
	return switch(action)
		case Load: loadEntries(store);
		default: next();

React Connect

High Order Component (HOC) approach

Normally for React, you're expected to use react-redux's connect function: http://redux.js.org/docs/basics/UsageWithReact.html

HOC will create a wrapped component that maps the redux state into component props.

Using HOCs is a bit awkward in Haxe's class-oriented approach, one way to do it is to store the connected class reference in a static field:

class MyComponent extends ReactComponent
	static public var Connected = ReactRedux.connect(mapStateToProps)(MyComponent);

	static function mapStateToProps(state:State)
	override function render()
		return jsx('<MyComponent.Connected />');

Macro approach

The approach proposed here uses macros to directly modify your class to insert the needed lifecycle operations:

Using this system you don't normally even need to wrap the views using a separate component, but you should be able to manually reproduce this setup if desired.

Unlike the HOC, this approach applies the mapped redux state as state values (only when it changes).

Note: it is strongly discouraged to use inheritance with classes implementing IConnectedComponent. Use React components composition instead!

// Implement IConnectComponent and (optionally) simply declare your state mapping function.
// No need to wrap your React view with Redux's connect function!
class TodoListView extends ReactComponentOfState<TodoListState> implements IConnectedComponent
	static function mapState(state:ApplicationState)
		var todoList = state.todoList;
		var entries = todoList.entries;
		var message =
			? 'Loading...'
			: '${getRemaining(entries)} remaining of ${entries.length} items to complete';

		return {
			message: message,
			list: entries
	override public function render()
		return jsx('
				<TodoStatsView message=${state.message} addNew=$addNew/>

	function addNew()
		dispatch(TodoAction.Add('A new task'));

Common issues

Uncaught Error: Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions.

Happens when you dispatch an Enum but the dispatch function is dynamically typed.

The reason is the Enum needs to be transformed using an abstract type redux.Action. This abstract type will wrap the Enum value in a regular Redux action.


Make sure dispatch is a function declared as redux.Action->Dynamic or simply redux.Dispatch.

For example if you pass a reference to dispatch down to sub-components, you'll need to type the props or use a temp variable:

// when reference is untyped
var dispatch:Dispatch = props.dispatch;

// or use typed props
typedef MyCompProps = {

class MyComp extends ReactComponentOfProps<MyCompProps> {
	function doSomething() {



