

Debian package and scripts for building Kip cell images

Debian package for installing components required on a Kip cell image. Images using the package are also built automatically for every change.


Kip cells are cloud VM instances that run pods. Kip uses pre-built images for cells. There are a couple of software components needed on a cell image so that Kip can run pods on it:

The default images use itzo-launcher for ensuring the right version of itzo is available at boot, and perform boot-time tasks.

To build a debian package with all these components:


This will create a package in the current directory.

You can specify a version number for the build:

VERSION=v0.1.2-foo1 ./build.sh
ls -1 kip-cell_*_amd64.deb

You can take this debian package and install it on your own image if you would like to create an image that can boot up as a Kip cell.

Using the .deb package, you can also build an AWS and GCP image:

VERSION=v0.1.2-foo1 ./build.sh
# Configure your GCE and AWS access.
export GOOGLE_CLOUD_KEYFILE_JSON=/home/ubuntu/<my-gce-account-file>.json
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...
packer build -var package=kip-cell_${VERSION:1}_amd64.deb packer.json

This needs packer.

Automated builds

A GitHub Action is configured to build images automatically for every push. The image name is based on git describe. For example:

git tag -am "foo1" foo1
git push --tags

The resulting image in this case will be called elotl-kipdev-foo1 on AWS, and elotl-kipdev-foo1 on GCE.

Git tags with a semantic version like v1.2.3 will update elotl-kip-latest on GCE (since on GCE, Kip uses this fixed image name by default), and create a new elotl-kip-<version> image on AWS (on AWS, by the default the latest AMI named elotl-kip-* is used by kip).