


Evaluate crystal code from files and command lines similar to edit in ruby pry.



curl -L https://github.com/elorest/cry/archive/master.tar.gz | tar xz
cd cry-master/
make install

OSX Homebrew

brew install elorest/crystal/cry


  1. inline mode: inline code specified in the command line as a string argument
    • cry Time.now
  2. editor mode: a terminal-based code editor is opened and the resulting code is executed once you save and exit
    • cry... edit code in Vim... code runs.
  3. file mode: code within an existing .cr file is copied to a tmp file for editing and run once editor is closed.
    • cry scripts/stuff.cr
  4. back: open and previous run in editor mode.
    • cry -b 1 ... copies previous run to tmp file for editing and runs when editor is closed.
  5. loop: continuously edit and execute code.
    • cry -r -b 1 ... copies previous run to tmp file for editing and runs when editor is closed in a loop.
  6. log: show a log of all previous runs.
    • cry --log

Here is a list of the commands available:

command [OPTIONS] [CODE]

  CODE  Crystal code or .cr file to execute within the application scope
        (default: )

  -b, --back    Runs prevous command files: 'amber exec -b [times_ago]'
                (default: 0)
  -e, --editor  Prefered editor: [vim, nano, pico, etc], only used when no code or .cr file is specified
                (default: vim)
  -l, --log     Prints results of previous run
  -r, --repeat    Runs editor in a loop (can be combined with -b 1)


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/elorest/cry/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
