


#bubo:elokapina.fi docker pulls License:Apache2

Matrix bot to help with community management. Can create and maintain rooms and help with room memberships.

Created with love and rage by Elokapina (Extinction Rebellion Finland).


Based on nio-template, a template project for Matrix bots.


Docker (recommended)

Docker images are available.

An example configuration file is provided as sample.config.yaml.

Make a copy of that, edit as required and mount it to /config/config.yaml on the Docker container.

You'll also need to give the container a folder for storing state. Create a folder, ensure it's writable by the user the container process is running as and mount it to /data.


cp sample.config.yaml config.yaml
# Edit config.yaml, see the file for details
mkdir data
docker run -v ${PWD}/config.docker.yaml:/config/config.yaml:ro \
    -v ${PWD}/data:/data --name bubo elokapinaorg/bubo



Talking to Bubo

Either prefix commands with !bubo (or another configured prefix) in a room Bubo is in or start a direct chat with it. When talking with Bubo directly, you don't need the !bubo prefix for commands.

Getting Bubo into a room

Bubo will automatically join rooms it is invited to.



Creates a breakout room. The user who requested the breakout room creation will automatically be invited to the room and made admin. The room will be created as non-public and non-encrypted.

Other users can react to the breakout room creation response with any emoji reaction to get an invite to the room.


breakout TOPIC

For example:

breakout How awesome is Bubo?

Any remaining text after breakout will be used as the room name.

Note that while Bubo will stay in the breakout room itself, it will not maintain it in any way like the rooms created using the rooms command.


Invite a user to a predefined group of rooms.


groupinvite @user1:domain.tld groupname [subgroups]

Where "groupname" should be replaced with the group to join to. Additionally, subgroups can be given as well.

Groups must be configured to the Bubo configuration file by an administrator.

This command requires coordinator level permissions.


Shows a help! Each command can also be given a subcommand help, to make Bubo kindly give some usage instructions.


Invite to rooms.

When given with only a room alias or ID parameter, invites you to that room.

To invite other users, give one or more user ID's (separated by a space) after the room alias or ID.


Requires bot coordinator privileges. The bot must be in the room and with power to invite users.


Join one or more users to rooms.


join !roomidoralias:domain.tld @user1:domain.tld @user2:domain.tld

If Bubo has Synapse admin powers, it will try to join admin API join any local users (which still requires Bubo to be in the room and be able to invite). Otherwise, a normal onvitation is used.

This command requires coordinator level permissions.


Set power level in a room. Usage:

power <user> <room> [<level>]

Moderator rights can be given by coordinator level users. To give admin in a room, user must be admin of the bot.

rooms and spaces

Maintains rooms and spaces.

When given without parameters, Bubo will tell you about the rooms or spaces it maintains.

Subcommands below.

alias - Manage room and space aliases

Manage room or space aliases.

Allows adding and removing aliases, and setting the main (canonical) alias of a room or space.


rooms/spaces alias !roomidoralias:domain.tld subcommand #alias:domain.tld

Where "subcommand" can be one of: "add", "remove", "main".


rooms/spaces alias !roomidoralias:domain.tld add #alias:domain.tld 
rooms/spaces alias !roomidoralias:domain.tld remove #alias:domain.tld 
rooms/spaces alias !roomidoralias:domain.tld main #alias:domain.tld


This command requires coordinator level permissions.

create - Create room or space


rooms/spaces create NAME ALIAS TITLE ENCRYPTED(yes/no) PUBLIC(yes/no)


rooms/spaces create "My awesome room" epic-room "The best room ever!" yes no

Note, ALIAS should only contain lower case ascii characters and dashes. ENCRYPTED and PUBLIC are either 'yes' or 'no'.

link and link-and-admin - Register rooms or spaces with Bubo

Both variants make Bubo attempt to join the room or space and store the room or space in the database to start tracking it. If Bubo is Synapse admin and/or admin permissions is requested, it will also try to join and/or make itself admin using the Synapse admin API.

The only parameter is a room/space ID or alias.

list - List rooms/spaces

Same as without a subcommand, Bubo will tell you all about the rooms or spaces it maintains.

list-no-admin - List rooms/spaces without Bubo admin privileges

List any rooms or spaces Bubo maintains where Bubo lacks admin privileges.

recreate - Recreate a room or space

Recreate a room or space. This is a bit like the room upgrade functionality in Element, but it's designed to also work when admin power levels have been lost in the room, and thus an upgrade cannot be done. In short the command will:

After giving the command in the room, Bubo will ask for confirmation.

NOTE This command cannot be reversed so should be used with care. The old room will however stay as it is, so in problem cases it should be enough to just rename the old room back.

This command requires Bubo admin privileges. It does not require Bubo to have any special power in the room to be recreated.

unlink - Unregister a room or space

Remove the room or space from Bubo's room database. The only parameter is a room/space ID or alias.

unlink-and-leave - Unregister a room or space, and leave it

Remove the room or space from Bubo's room database, then leave the room or space. The only parameter is a room/space ID or alias.


Manage users of an identity provider.

Currently Keycloak is the only identity provider supported. See sample.config.yaml for how to configure a Keycloak client.


list (or no subcommand)

List currently registered users. Requires admin level permissions.


Creates users for the given emails and sends them a password reset email. The users email will be marked as verified. Give one or more emails as parameters. Requires admin level permissions.


Send an invitation to the email(s) given for self-registration. Requires an instance of keycloak-signup. The invitation will contain a one-time link valid for 7 days. Requires coordinator level permissions.


List the rooms of a user.


users rooms @user:domain.tld

Requires bot admin permissions. Bubo must also be a Synapse admin.


Create a self-service signup link with a chosen amount of maximum signups and days of validity. Requires an instance of keycloak-signup. Requires coordinator level permissions.

Room power levels

User power

Bubo can be picky on who can have power in a room. All rooms that it maintains (ie the rooms stored in it's database) will be checked on start-up and Bubo can be made to promote or demote users to their correct level, using the following rules:

Bubo can be told to not demote or promote users in the config. By default it will promote but not demote users in the room. Users not in the room who have too much power will always be demoted.

Currently it's not possible to override this on a per room basis but is likely to come.

Room power defaults

The sample config contains room.power_levels for the default power levels that Bubo will use for new rooms. By default, it will also enforce these power levels on old rooms, unless told not to.

Room and space maintenance

When Bubo starts, it will go through the rooms and spaces it maintains (see above commands). It will currently ensure the following details are correct:


If you need help or want to otherwise chat, jump to #bubo:elokapina.fi!


To update dependencies, do NOT edit requirements.txt directly. Any changes go into requirements.in and then you run pip-compile. If you want to upgrade existing non-pinned (in requirements.in) dependencies, run pip-compile --upgrade, keeping the ones that you want to update in requirements.txt when commiting. See more info about pip-tools at https://github.com/jazzband/pip-tools



Add more features! Bubo wants to help you manage your community!

