

RTMP relay v1.0

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Relays RTMP streams to multiple endpoints.


RTMP relay uses yaml-cpp submodule. The following command has to be run after cloning the RTMP relay:

$ git submodule update --init

To compile the RTMP relay, just run "make" in the root directory. You can pass these arguments to rtmp_relay (located in the bin directory):

Docker build

Check out submodules the same way as for a normal build, then run docker-compose build. This will result in a local image named evo-rtmp-relay:latest.


RTMP relay configuration files are YAML-based. It must start with servers array. Each server has following attributes:

applicationName can have the following tokens:

streamName name can have the following tokens:

Optionally you can add a web status page with "statusPage" object, which has the following attribute:

Status page can be accessed in the following addresses:

To configure logging, you can add "log" object to the config file. It has the following attributes

Example configuration:

    level: 4
    syslogIdent: relay
    syslogFacility: "LOG_LOCAL3"
    address: ""
  - endpoints:
      - addresses: [ "" ]
        type: "host"
        direction: "input"
        applicationName: "app/name"
        video: true
        audio: true
      - addresses: [ "" ]
        type: "client"
        direction: "output"
        applicationName: "app/name"
        streamName: "stream_name"
        video: true
        audio: true
        pingInterval: 60.0
      - addresses: [ "" ]
        type: "client"
        direction: "output"
        applicationName: "app/name"
        streamName: "{streamName}_2"
        video: true
        audio: true
        pingInterval: 60.0
        connectionTimeout: 5.0
        reconnectInterval: 5.0
        reconnectCount: 3