


Arbitrary-Style-Per-Model Fast Neural Style Transfer Method


Using an <b>Encoder-AdaIN-Decoder</b> architecture - Deep Convolutional Neural Network as a Style Transfer Network (STN) which can receive two arbitrary images as inputs (one as content, the other one as style) and output a generated image that recombines the content and spatial structure from the former and the style (color, texture) from the latter without re-training the network. The STN is trained using MS-COCO dataset (about 12.6GB) and WikiArt dataset (about 36GB).

This code is based on Huang et al. Arbitrary Style Transfer in Real-time with Adaptive Instance Normalization (ICCV 2017)

stn_overview System overview. Picture comes from Huang et al. original paper. The encoder is a fixed VGG-19 (up to relu4_1) which is pre-trained on ImageNet dataset for image classification. We train the decoder to invert the AdaIN output from feature spaces back to the image spaces.


Trained Model

You can download my trained model from here which is trained with style weight equal to 2.0<br/>Or you can directly use download_trained_model.sh in the repo.



styleoutput (generated image)

My Running Environment


<b>Operating System</b>




    author = {Wengao Ye},
    title = {Arbitrary Style Transfer},
    year = {2017},
    publisher = {GitHub},
    journal = {GitHub repository},
    howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/elleryqueenhomels/arbitrary_style_transfer}}