

Remote Calculator

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A simple web service to implement a calculator built using Python/Django

How it works

The service offers an endpoint that reads a string input and parses it. it decodes the base64 encoding and interprets it by breaking it down into smaller statements and solved following the order of precedence. It returns either an HTTP error code, or a solution to the calculation in JSON form.

An example calculus query: Original query: 2 * (23/(33))- 23 * (23) With encoding: MiAqICgyMy8oMyozKSktIDIzICogKDIqMyk

API Description

Endpoint: GET /calculus?query=[input] The input is a UTF-8 with BASE64 encoding Return: On success: JSON response of format:

    "error": false, 
    "result": 546 

On error: JSON response of format:

    "error": true,
    "message": "string"

Supported operations: + - * / ( )

Deployment Process