


Referer parser library.

Package Setup

To use RefInspector with your projects, edit your mix.exs file and add the required dependencies:

defp deps do
    # ...
    {:ref_inspector, "~> 2.0"},
    # ...

If you want to use a manual supervision approach (without starting the application) please look at the inline documentation of RefInspector.Supervisor.

Application Configuration

Out of the box the default database will be stored in the :priv_dir of :ref_inspector. Both the database(s) and path used can be changed.

For a detailed list of available configuration options please consult RefInspector.Config.

Referer Database

The default database is taken from the snowplow-referer-parser project.

Basic Usage

Database Download

You need to obtain a copy of the configured database by calling either mix ref_inspector.download from the command line or RefInspector.Downloader.download/0 from within your application.

Refer to RefInspector.Downloader for more details.

Referer Parsing

iex> RefInspector.parse("http://www.google.com/search?q=ref_inspector")
  medium: "search",
  referer: "http://www.google.com/search?q=ref_inspector",
  source: "Google",
  term: "ref_inspector"

Full documentation is available inline in the RefInspector module and at https://hexdocs.pm/ref_inspector.


Several (minimal) benchmark scripts are included. Please refer to the Mixfile or mix help output for their names.



Apache License, Version 2.0

Referers.yml taken from the snowplow-referer-parser project. See there for detailed license information about the data contained.