



Create and manipulate colors with ease.


Making violet (#EE82EE):

Color(0xEE, 0x82, 0xEE)
Color("EE", "82", "EE")
Color(238, 130, 238)
Color.rgb(238, 130, 238)
Color.hsl(0.8333333333333334, 0.7605633802816902, 0.7215686274509804)
// 300°, 75.88652482269505%, 72.35294117647058%

Shorthand color notation:

Color("#ABC") // "#AABBCC"
Color("ABC")  // "#AABBCC"

Convert a hex color to RGBA:

var c = new Color('#ABC123', 0.6);
c.getRGBA(); // rgba(171,193,35,0.6)

setValue and channels

var myColor = new Color;
myColor.hexTriplet() === "#aa7f00";
myColor.channels[0] = 0xFF;
myColor.hexTriplet() === "#ff7f00"; // orange

Defining a custom color:

Color.define("rind", [92, 163, 16])
Color.get("rind").hexTriplet() === "#5ca310"

Get a random color between green and blue

Color.random("green", "blue");

Parsing CSS color values

red   = Color.parse("rgb(255, 0, 0)");
green = Color.parse("rgb ,128"); // shorthand
blue  = Color.parse("hsl(240, 100%, 50%)");

red.hexTriplet()   === "#ff0000";
green.hexTriplet() === "#008000";
blue.hexTriplet()  === "#0000ff";

Supported Browsers


color.js can be used in any ECMAScript environment as it does not make use of the DOM. color.js is very useful on the server-side and the client-side.

color.js CSS Module

The color.js CSS module defines all of the standard CSS colors for use in color.js.


Note: HSL values are in the form of fractions (0 to 1). A hue value of 0.5 is equivalent to a hue of 180°.


Color objects can be instantiated in any of the following ways:

<pre><code>color = [new ]Color(<strong>color</strong>:int | string, [, <strong>alpha</strong>:float]) color = [new ]Color(<strong>red</strong>:int | string, <strong>green</strong>:int | string, <strong>blue</strong>:int | string [, <strong>alpha</strong>:float | string]) color = Color.rgb(<strong>red</strong>:int, <strong>green</strong>:int, <strong>blue</strong>:int [, <strong>alpha</strong>:float]) color = Color.hsl(<strong>hue</strong>:float, <strong>saturation</strong>:float, <strong>lightness</strong>:float [, <strong>alpha</strong>:float])</code></pre> <h3>Instance methods and properties</h3> <dl> <dt><code>channels : array</code></dt> <dd> An array containing a color's red, green, blue, and alpha channels in that order. </dd> <dt><code>rgb()</code></dt> <dd> Returns a CSS rgb() function representing the color. </dd> <dt><code>rgba()</code></dt> <dd> Returns a CSS rgba() function representing the color. </dd> <dt><code>hsl()</code></dt> <dd> Returns a CSS hsl() function representing the color. </dd> <dt><code>hsla()</code></dt> <dd> Returns a CSS hsla() function representing the color. </dd> <dt><code>css()</code></dt> <dd> If the alpha channel is 1, this returns <code>hexTriplet()</code>. Otherwise, this returns <code>rgba()</code>. </dd> <dt><code>getValue()</code> and <code>valueOf()</code></dt> <dd> Returns an integer representation of the color. </dd> <dt><code>setValue(<strong>value</strong>:int)</code></dt> <dd> Sets the to <code>value</code>. </dd> <dt><code>hexTriplet()</code></dt> <dd> Returns the hex triplet (#RRGGBB) representation of the color. </dd> <dt><code>rgbData()</code></dt> <dd> Returns an array containing the color's red, green, and blue channels in that order. </dd> <dt><code>hslData()</code></dt> <dd> Returns an array containing the color's hue, saturation, and lightness channels in that order. </dd> <dt><code>toString()</code></dt> <dd> Returns <code>this[Color.TO_STRING_METHOD]()</code>. </dd> </dl> <h3>Constructor methods</h3> <p>Color names are case-insensitive.</p> <dl> <dt><code>Color.define(<strong>colorName</strong>:string, <strong>RGB</strong>:array | string)</code></dt> <dd> Saves the specified RGB color under colorName, for later retrieval. </dd> <dt><code>Color.get(<strong>colorName</strong>:string)</code></dt> <dd> Returns a new color instance instance using the RGB data from a previously defined color with the name, <code>colorName</code>. </dd> <dt><code>Color.del(<strong>colorName</strong>:string)</code></dt> <dd> Deletes a previously defined color with the name of <code>colorName</code>. </dd> <dt><code>Color.clearColors()</code></dt> <dd> Clears all color definitions. </dd> <dt><code>Color.parse(<strong>cssFunction</strong>:string)</code></dt> <dd> Returns the color represented by a CSS function (eg. <code>hsl(0, 100%, 50%)</code>) or hex triplet. If no color could be parsed, this returns null. This function intentionally allows invalid syntax when parsing css functions. As long as the first three non-whitespace characters (case-insensitive) are "rgb" or "hsl" and the arguments (which are all optional and default to zero) are separated by commas, this function will be able to parse the CSS function. </dd> <dt><code>Color.random([<strong>rangeStart</strong>:int | string] [, <strong>rangeEnd</strong>:int | string])</code></dt> <dd> Returns a random color from rangeStart to rangeEnd. If rangeStart is not specified, this returns a random color from #000000 to #FFFFFF. rangeStart and rangeEnd can also be color names. </dd> <dt><code>Color.rgb(<strong>red</strong>:int, <strong>green</strong>:int, <strong>blue</strong>:int [, <strong>alpha</strong>:float])</code></dt> <dd> Returns a color constructed from the specified RGB values. </dd> <dt><code>Color.hsl(<strong>hue</strong>:float, <strong>saturation</strong>:float, <strong>lightness</strong>:float [, <strong>alpha</strong>:float])</code></dt> <dd> Returns a color constructed from the specified HSL values. </dd> <dt><code>Color.RGBtoHSL(<strong>rgb</strong>:array)</code></dt> <dd> Returns the array of RGB values converted to HSL values. </dd> <dt><code>Color.HSLtoRGB(<strong>hsl</strong>:array)</code></dt> <dd> Returns the array of HSL values converted to RGB values. </dd> </dl> <h3>Configuration properties</h3> <dl> <dt><code>Color.TO_STRING_METHOD : string</code></dt> <dd> The method name of which to call when a color instance's <code>toString()</code> method is called. This defaults to <code>hexTriplet</code>. </dd> </dl>

Tracking image