

Gulp React Statics Style

gulp wrapper for react-statics-styles. Its takes components source files which export component definitions, and gives CSS files. You can then pipe it to other processors, such as gulp-postcss.


<<<<<<< HEAD This module is written in ES6/7. You will need babel to run it.

  1. Fork or clone this repository.
  2. (Optional) Edit package.json if you intent to publish your package on npm.
  3. npm install to install all the required dependencies from npm.
  4. Hack src/index.jsx and src/__tests__/index.jsx.
  5. Lint/test using gulp.
  6. Don't forget to edit this README.md file.


In a component file (eg. MyComponent.jsx):

import { styles } from 'react-statics-styles';

  '.MyComponent': {
    transform: 'translate(-50%,-50%)',
class MyComponent extends React.Component {

<<<<<<< HEAD
export default MyComponent;



In your gulpfile.js:

var styles = require('gulp-react-statics-styles');

gulp.task('componentsCSS', function() {
  return gulp.src('src/**/*.jsx')

You can combine this with any JS preprocessor or CSS postprocessor, for example if you use babel for JS, and autoprefixer-core and csswring for CSS (via postcss):

  .pipe(postcss([autoprefixer, csswring]))

In the real world, you probably want to only run your JS source transformation once per build and cache the results, but its up to you to design your gulpfile accordingly :)