bidDB_downloader is a tool for downloading the BugTraq Ids database from the
To fulfill its mission, each BugTraq Id and its info is parsed from the HTML and exported in a JSON way.
Before bidDB_downloader usage, you must have installed Python >= 3.4.5 and the requirements:
- Python 3.4.5 or later
- Pip3
- Joblib
- Requests
The requirements can be installed with pip:
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Below, the help when you type python3 --help
is shown:
usage: [-h] [-w WORKERS] [-f FIRST] [-l LAST] [-v]
BugTraq database downloader.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-w WORKERS, --workers WORKERS
number of workers for execution. By default, the
workers number is set to 100
-f FIRST, --first FIRST
your download will start from this BugTraq Id. By
default, the first BugTraq Id is set to 1
-l LAST, --last LAST your download will finish in this last BugTraq Id. By
default, the last BugTraq Id is set to 100000
-v, --version show the version message and exit
Fulfilling with the described usage, a usage example would be the next one:
python3 --workers 1 --first 1 --last 4
The expected output is shown below:
{"bugtraq_id": 1, "title": "Berkeley Sendmail DEBUG Vulnerability", "class": "Configuration Error", "cve": [], "local": "yes", "remote": "yes", "vuln_products": ["Eric Allman Sendmail 5.58"]}
{"bugtraq_id": 2, "title": "BSD fingerd buffer overflow Vulnerability", "class": "Boundary Condition Error", "cve": [], "local": "no", "remote": "yes", "vuln_products": ["BSD BSD 4.2"]}
{"bugtraq_id": 3, "title": "SunOS restore Vulnerability", "class": "Unknown", "cve": [], "local": "yes", "remote": "no", "vuln_products": ["Sun SunOS 4.0.3", "Sun SunOS 4.0.1", "Sun SunOS 4.0"]}
{"bugtraq_id": 4, "title": "BSD passwd buffer overflow Vulnerability", "class": "Boundary Condition Error", "cve": ["CVE-1999-1471"], "local": "no", "remote": "no", "vuln_products": ["BSD BSD 4.3", "BSD BSD 4.2"]}
Bonus Track
You have available the BugTraq Ids database downloaded on 03/28/2018 in the bonus_track directory.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: The BugTraq Ids database downloaded on 05/07/2017 which is included in the 20170507_sf_db.json.gz file has been deprecated info and it will be deleted soon.
Bugs and Feedback
For bugs, questions and discussions please use the Github Issues or ping me on Twitter (@3grander).