


BetterX-Android is a data collection app used in the BetterX.org research project. BetterX-Android works on the background and collects device, network and sensor data.


It consists of 5 parts: the sensor logger, the network logger, the firefox extension web logger (see BetterX-Firefox), the features logger (device data) and the main body application which provides the setup and GUI to the user. All parts produce json formatted data files which are relayed back into AWS s3 on a daily basis.

Setup Parameters

AWS_S3_ACCESSKEYID access key for s3 AWS_S3_SECRETKEYACCESS secret key for s3 AWS_S3_USERNAME username for s3 AWS_S3_BUCKET folder for s3 PUB_KEY public key for encrypting zip file before sending it over GCM_PROJECT_NUMBER Google Cloud Messaging API Key

Sensor Logger

The purpose of the sensor logger is to monitor and record sensor data including location data. The SensorManager library provides most of the functionality for sensor reading and the SensorDataManager provides most of functionality to send the data. The sensor logger uses the adaptive sampling mechanism in order to reduce the volume of the recorded data.

Network Logger

The purpose of the netlogger is to monitor and record all the device network status changes. The Network Logger uses this Network Events Library.

Features Logger

Main App Screens

a b

Info Screens

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Setup Screens

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Usage of any parts of this software or data requires referencing in any published or publicised work. The correct referencing is presented below in Harvard, MLA8 and APA styles.


Allayiotis, E. (2017) BetterX System. N.A: BetterX.org.


Allayiotis, Elias. “BetterX System.” 23 Feb. 2017, www.betterx.org.


Allayiotis, E. (2017). BetterX System (Version 1.2). [Application software]. Retrieved from <http://www.betterx.org/>


Anyone interested in this project can download/modify/contribute to the source code that is made available. The BetterX project is licenced under the Apache License, Version 2.0

Copyright 2017 Elias Allayiotis

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.