Pytorch implementation of semi-supervised DCGAN based on "Improved Techniques for Training GANs".
Feature matching and semi-supervised GAN have be reimplemented.
So far, other improved techniques haven't been added.
Pytorch Version: 2.0.3 and Python 2.7
Run file: python
BTW, in my example, my classifer is for CIFAR10 dataset,
and labeled input : unlabeled input : generated fake input = 1 : 1 : 1
Users also can change the settings according to my program's comments.
For Generator Loss, it is also equal to -loss_unlabled_fake + loss_feature_matching.
For Labeled Loss, it is also equal to -loss_target + log_sum_exp(before_softmax_labeled_output)
To do
- to average input labeled data over 10 classes subset.
- to adjust the network structure for high accuracy classification
- to reimplement other techniques in improved GAN
- to reimplement "Bad GAN" paper
Semi-supervised + Feature matching CIFAR10 Classification
300th epoch