

Custom Parameter Handler extension for Burp Suite: a power tool for modifying HTTP messages with surgical precision, even when using macros.

The quicksave and quickload functionality persists through reloading not only the extension, but Burp Suite entirely. All values of each existing configuration tab will be saved, along with the order of all tabs.

Use the Export/Import Config buttons to save/load your current configuration to/from a JSON file.

Manual installation

  1. Download the latest release file; e.g., CustomParameterHandler_3.0.py
  2. Under Extender > Options > Python Environment, point Burp to the location of your copy of Jython's standalone .jar file. a. If you don't already have Jython's standalone .jar file, download it here.
  3. Finally, add CustomParamHandler_3.0.py in Extender > Extensions.

Installation from the BApp store

  1. Under Extender > Options > Python Environment, point Burp to the location of your copy of Jython's standalone .jar file. a. If you don't already have Jython's standalone .jar file, download it here.
  2. Find and select Custom Parameter Handler within the Extender > BApp Store tab, then click the Install button.

Adding configuration tabs

Enabling/Disabling configuration tabs

Simply click the checkbox next to the tab's name. New tabs are enabled by default but require a valid configuration in order to have any effect.

Reordering configuration tabs

Leftmost tabs will be processed first; therefore, tab order may be important, especially when extracting values from cached responses.

Visit the Wiki to learn more about utilizing cached responses.

Tab configuration at a glance


Depending on the selected option, this tab will take action on either:

Parameter handling

The supplied expression will be used to find the value that will be replaced with the replacement value.

RegEx features may be used to fine-tune modifications. Visit the Wiki to learn more.

When targeting a subset of matches, enter comma-separated, zero-based indices or slices (following Python's slice syntax). E.g.: 1,3,6:9 would act on the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 9th matches.

If not using a static value, the supplied expression will be used to find the desired replacement value.

Please visit the Wiki for explanations on the remaining options.