

<div align="center"> <!-- Module Image Here --> </div> <h1 align="center">element119 | Admin Redis Report</h1>

📝 Features

✔️ See a snapshot of the health of Redis from the comfort of the Magento admin

✔️ Visualise historic Redis health statistics

✔️ Supports Magento Open Source, Adobe Commerce, and Mage-OS

✔️ Built in accordance with Magento best practises

✔️ Dedicated module configuration section and custom admin user controls

✔️ Seamless integration with Magento

✔️ Built with developers and extensibility in mind to make customisations as easy as possible

✔️ Installable via Composer

✔️ Theme agnostic


⏳ Ability to filter historic charts by date range


🔌 Installation

Run the following command to install this module:

composer require element119/module-admin-redis-report
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

⏫ Updating

Run the following command to update this module:

composer update element119/module-admin-redis-report
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

❌ Uninstallation

Run the following command to uninstall this module:

composer remove element119/module-admin-redis-report
php bin/magento setup:upgrade

📚 User Guide

Configuration for this module can be found in the Magento admin under Stores -> Settings -> Configuration -> Advanced -> System -> Redis Report.


Redis Report

The Redis information can be found in the admin under System -> Tools -> Redis Report.


Enable/Disable Historic Data

The periodic capture of Redis information can be disabled by setting this option to No. This is set to Yes by default.


Historic Data Retention Period

The value specified here determines how long Magento will store historic Redis report data, measured in days. An empty value means data will be kept indefinitely.

📸 Screenshots & GIFs

Admin Configuration



Admin Report
