


Build Status Build Status

Desktop client written in qml.


To install all dependencies on Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -S qt5-base qt5-declarative qt5-quickcontrols qt5-quickcontrols2

Installation on Ubuntu is harder, since it doesn't have Qt 5.8 in its repos (yet).

  1. Download and install Qt from their downloads page.
  2. Add to your PATH bin folder of your installation. For instance if you have Qt installed in /opt/Qt you should add to your PATH the following: /opt/Qt/5.8/clang_64/bin where clang_64 might be something else.

Downloading binaries


You can download pre-build binaries from releases page of this repository.

There is also a Arch Linux repository along with instructions for using it available here.


Linux binaries are not working.That's because travis does not like us... We are trying to fix it...

Windows binaries can be downloaded here.


The following instructions are for Unix/Linux systems. If you want to build on Windows look at Building for Windows

Before building you need to configure dependencies and fill out the api keys for syncing. Look at the syncing section for more information.

You can build the app the hard way or the easy way. For Unix/Linux systems we have provided a build script build.sh. This is the easy way that outputs executable in bin/electronpass.

The hard way is building it manually. You first need to download and build libelectronpass-cpp and crypto++ as described in the next section. Then setup the api keys for syncing and finally build it with cmake or qmake (prefered), described in the Compiling section.

For linux we also provide create-linux-appimage.sh script, that will create an AppImage after you have build electronpass.

On mac you can create .app file with all the dependencies bundled with it, so you can redistribute it to your friends. Read more on it in Deploying section

Configure dependencies

You can download, compile and move dependencies to correct directories with a install-dependencies.sh script, or you can do it by hand.


Crypto library needed for libelectronpass-cpp. Build script for it is provided in libelectronpass-cpp repository. You can build it manually and put the headers in dependencies/cryptopp and static library to dependencies/libcryptopp.a.


Libelectronpass is required for this application to work. It will be statically linked. You can build it manually, by going to its repository and following the build instructions (be careful to use develop branch). Then copy the header from libelectronpass files to libelectronpass/electronpass/, and the static library to libelectronpass/libelectronpass.a.

Configre syncing

For obvious reasons api keys for google drive and dropbox are not included in the source repository. Copy app/sync/keys.default.hpp to app/sync/keys.hpp and change the keys inside the file. Refer to electronpass/credentials for more information.


After you have configured the api keys, and compiled and moved the dependencies in the correct directories you can build the app with qmake with the following commands.

mkdir build; cd build
qmake -makefile ../electronpass.pro
make -j8

You can also use cmake, which is now deprecated, but if qmake doesn't work, try with cmake. Cmake doesn't have install command and is here primarily for development purposes (we are using CLion).

mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..
make electronpass -j8


You can deploy the built binary on the mac and linux. We are still working on the building for windows, so we are quite far away from windows deployment (if you know have experience on windows we would appreciate your help).


For linux you can package the application into an AppImage. If you don't know what those are, you can read more on them here. To build it run the create-linux-appimage.sh script. This will create appimage with the help of linuxdeployqt, which is a really cool tool that a really cool guy has made. ElectronPass-x86_64.AppImage will be built in the appdir directory (the script will make it automatically), and than copied to electronpass-desktop directory. linuxdeployqt will be downloaded automatically.


Qt already provides deploy tool for mac. To create self contained .app run:

cd bin
macdeployqt electronpass.app/ -qmldir=../app/qml/

bin/electronpass.app now has all the needed dependencies in it, so you can run it on any mac.

Graphical assets

Icons in this project are displayed as a Material Icons Font. To preview and find their unicode representations use CharacterMap tool and load ttf file from app/res/fonts/.

Lock backgrounds are obtained from free wallpaper site WallpaperStop.

Electronpass icons and other project specific assets are stored in electronpass/graphics.


Code in this project is licensed under GNU GPLv3 license. Some third party files are subjective to their respective license.