

<h2>tof</h2> <p>Tof is a collection of objects and abstractions covering a wide range in functionality.</p> <p>This git-fork of the Pure-data library tof is cloned from https://git.puredata.info/cgit/svn2git/libraries/tof.git, which is the svn-to-git from https://sourceforge.net/p/pure-data/svn/HEAD/tree/trunk/externals/tof/.</p> <p>tof is written by Thomas Ouellet Fredericks around 2009. Thomas allowed me to re-license the library, and the 3-clause BSD license seemed most appropriate in the Puredata eco-system. Some objects however are derived from GPL licensed source code.</p> <p align="center"><img src="all_tof.png" alt="patch with all tof objects and abstractions"> <p>The initial change is replacing the build system by pd-lib-builder. This to simplify creation of a deken package of the libary.</p> <p>The next planned version is 0.3.0.</p> <p>These are the objects in the tof library: <dl> <dt>animate</dt> <dd>abstraction around iemguts/canvasobjectposition</dd> <dt>argument</dt> <dd>outputs arguments on bang</dd> <dt>arguments</dt> <dd>parses and outputs patch creation arguments on bang</dd> <dt>breakpoints~</dt> <dd>signal driven graphical envelope table editor / generator (based on ggee/envgen)</dd> <dt>breakpoints</dt> <dd>message driven graphical envelope table editor / generator (based on ggee/envgen)</dd> <dt>common~</dt> <dd>signal bus object</dd> <dt>crossfade~</dt> <dd>multi-channel stereo crossfade</dd> <dt>folderpanel</dt> <dd>opens Tk directory selector</dd> <dt>from_ascii_code</dt> <dd>converts ASCII to messages</dd> <dt>gemwin+</dt> <dd>Gem window manager </dd> <dt>getdollarzero</dt> <dd>get window id of current or parent window (recursive)</dd> <dt>imagebang</dt> <dd>GIF based bang</dd> <dt>increment</dt> <dd>increments float on bang</dd> <dt>iterate</dt> <dd>iterates over range of floats</dd> <dt>list_accum</dt> <dd>collects input into a list</dd> <dt>list_unfold</dt> <dd>decomposes list into element values and types</dd> <dt>listUnfold</dt> <dd>depricated version of list_unfold</dd> <dt>menubutton</dt> <dd>drop down menu tool</dd> <dt>onlyone</dt> <dd>named uniqueness switch</dd> <dt>open_help</dt> <dd>arbitrary help patch finder/launcher</dd> <dt>openHelp</dt> <dd>depricated version of open_help</dd> <dt>OSCToParam</dt> <dd>message forwarder, abstraction based on oscx/dompOSC and maxlib/remote</dd> <dt>param</dt> <dd>multi-function object</dd> <dt>path</dt> <dd>path utility</dd> <dt>phasorshot~</dt> <dd>phasor~ with features</dd> <dt>pix_film</dt> <dd>Gem based movie player</dd> <dt>pmenu</dt> <dd>pop-up menu tool</dd> <dt>sample_granule~</dt> <dd>pitchshifting/timestretching sample player</dd> <dt>sample</dt> <dd>reads wav file into array</dd> <dt>sample_packel</dt> <dd>edits array start and end</dd> <dt>sample_play</dt> <dd>array sample player</dd> <dt>sample_record</dt> <dd>writes signal stream to array</dd> <dt>sample_shift~</dt> <dd>fft based pitchshifting/timestretching sample player</dd> <dt>sample_unpack</dt> <dd>outputs array meta information and original wav file name</dd> <dt>streamMinMax</dt> <dd>outputs minimum and maximum of a stream of floats</dd> <dt>to_ascii_code</dt> <dd>convert message characters to list of floats</dd> </dl></p> <p>Dependencies and derivations: <ul> <li>breakpoints and breakpoints~ are derived from ggee/envgen. Common code in w_breakpoints.h, struct in breakpoints~.h,</li> <li>imagebang is derived from ggee/image (the original) and moonlib/image,</li> <li>menubutton and pmenu are derived from ggee/button and bbogart/popup,</li> <li>param depends on objectlist.h which is based on iemguts/iemguts-objlist.h.</li> </ul></p> <p>moonlib/image, bbogart/popup and iemguts/iemguts-objlist.h are GPL licensed.</p> <p>For bugs found in this version, please report them to me. Thomas is not responsible for bugs introduced by me.</p> <p>The original location of this repository is at <a href="https://github.com/electrickery/pd-tof"> https://github.com/electrickery/pd-tof</a>. <p>Fred Jan Kraan fjkraan@electrickery.nl 2022-12-06</p>