

Rust Winbond's W25 Serial Flash Memory Driver

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This is a platform agnostic Rust driver for the W25 serial flash memory devices from Winbond using the embedded-hal traits.

The devices

Winbond's W25X and W25Q SpiFlash® Multi-I/O Memories feature the popular Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), densities from 512K-bit to 512M-bit, small erasable sectors and the industry's highest performance.



To use this driver, import this crate and an embedded_hal implementation, then instantiate the appropriate device.

Please find additional examples using hardware in this repository: driver-examples.


For questions, issues, feature requests like compatibility with similar devices and other changes, please file an issue in the github project.


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Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.