

Domain Analyzer v0.8.3

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Domain analyzer is a security analysis tool that automatically discovers and reports information about a given domain. Its main purpose is to analyze domains in an unattended way. It has many crazy features, such as getting more domains from DNS zones, automatic nmap, webcrawler, and world domination mode. Check the features.

If you want nmap to scan more ports and run scripts and to run the crawler on those websites, you need to be root.

Example default options

domainanalyzer-gif-demo See in asciinema at https://asciinema.org/a/466274


Domain analyzer takes a domain name and finds information about it, such as DNS servers, mail servers, IP addresses, mails on Google, SPF information, etc. After all the information is stored and organized it scans the ports of every IP found using nmap and perform several other security checks. After the ports are found, it uses the tool crawler.py from @verovaleros, to spider the complete web page of all the web ports found. This tool has the option to download files and find open folders.

The main features are:

Bonus features

@verovaleros developed a separate python web crawler called "crawler.py". Its main features are:

This extended edition has more features!


Most of these features can be deactivated.

Docker Image

Docker image

Domain analyzer has now a docker image for the main version, on Python 3, with all dependencies already installed:

docker run --rm -ti verovaleros/domain_analyzer:latest /domain_analyzer/domain_analyzer.py -d <domain>

Docker for Domain Analyzer on Python 2.7

We have created a docker image that can be used to run domain analyzer on Python 2.7, and has all the dependencies already installed.

docker run --rm -it verovaleros/domain_analyzer:python2.7 /domain_analyzer/domain_analyzer.py -d <domain>


  1. Example domain_analyzer.py -d .gov -k 10 -b Basic Operation


Domain analyzer was born on Feb 4th, 2011. You can check the original repository in source forge here



If you have any question, please send us an email! They are in the python files.


git clone https://github.com/eldraco/domain_analyzer.git
pip install -r requirements.txt