

Hyperactiv + react = ❤️⚡

Client & Server demo with SSR

📸 Demo

Hosted demo, with SSR and caching using hyperactiv/react.

What this demo is about

This demo is basically a website mining the json placeholder api.

While browsing the website, pay attention to the fact that:


1 - Clone

git clone https://github.com/elbywan/hyperactiv-hooks-demo

2 - Install

pnpm i or npm i or yarn

3 - Profit

Dev mode, served by node.js on http://localhost:5001, with SSR and hot reload.

Lint & Build the sources.

Prod mode, builds then starts the node.js backend that serves optimized HTML & JS using SSR on http://localhost:5001

4 - Play with the editable input fields, or the console

// The store is bound to window.__STORE__
// You can toy with it to see how it reflects in the components re-rendering.

// Examples:
__STORE__.posts[2] = {"userId":1,"id":2,"title":"Lorem ipsum","body":"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."}
__STORE__.posts[1].title = "Hello"
delete __STORE__.__requests__['get@https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts?_page=1&_limit=20']