Beamer port of the official PoliMi presentation theme.
Requires the package PGF/TikZ to be installed in your LaTeX distribution.
Download the latest release by following this link.
Then copy the files named beamer*themepolimi.sty and the folder beamerthemepolimi_img/ into the same folder as your LaTeX source file.
Finally write in your preamble:
Custom options and logo
The standard background photo on the title page (instead of a default white background) can be selected through the optional parameter bgphoto:
In order to hide the default logo shown on the title page, the option nologo is available:
Then you can customize your own title page by typing, for instance, the following commands on the first slide, right after the \maketitle command (see demo.tex):
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
\node at (current page.north) [anchor=north, inner sep=2cm]
Set a custom font
You can set a custom font, which has to be installed on your system, by adding the following commands to the preamble and by using XeLaTeX as compiler:
Change the default block style
The default block style can be modified by adding either
to your preamble after loading the theme.