

Z-stack Depth Color Code

ImageJ/FIJI plugin to colorcode Z-stacks/hyperstacks (8-,16-,32 bit). Allows to uses available LUTs + invert them.

The plugin creates an output as Composite or RGB stack. So there is conversion to 8-bit, depending on the current Brightness/Contrast settings.

NB: After installation plugin appears in Plugins->Stacks->Z-stack Depth Colorcode menu.

It is loosely based on Temporal-Color Code macro (but does not create Z-projection) and it is rewritten version of Z_Code_Stack function from FIJI Cookbook.

Generated colorcoded stacks can be visualized by different 3D renders (3D Viewer or 3Dscript plugin).

Example: EB comets (by Boris Shneyer), grayscale before:


and coded with Thermal LUT, after:

EB color

How to install plugin

To install plugin in FIJI:

To install plugin manually in ImageJ:

Updates history

2021.02.17 (v.0.0.2) Added LUT image generation option. Fixed colors for inverted LUT and some window appearance.

2021.01.11 (v.0.0.1) First version.

Developed in Cell Biology group of Utrecht University.
Email katpyxa @ gmail.com for any questions/comments/suggestions.