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✨ Features


This is not a repeating wheel

Although CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE are the strengths of Hibernate, MyBatis, DataJDBC and other ORM, queries, especially complex list queries with multi conditions, multi tables, paging, sorting, have always been their weaknesses.

Traditional ORM is difficult to realize a complex list retrieval with less code, but Bean Searcher has made great efforts in this regard. These complex queries can be solved in almost one line of code.

The back-end needs to write a retrieval API, and if it is written with traditional ORM, the complexity of the code is very high

But Bean Searcher can:

💥 Achieved with one line of code

First, you have an Entity class:

@SearchBean(tables="user u, role r", joinCond="u.role_id = r.id", autoMapTo="u")
public class User {
  private long id;
  private String username;
  private int status;
  private int age;
  private String gender;
  private Date joinDate;
  private int roleId;
  private String roleName;
  // Getters and setters...

Then you can complete the API with one line of code :

public class UserController {

    private BeanSearcher beanSearcher;              // Inject BeanSearcher

    public SearchResult<User> index(HttpServletRequest request) {
        // Only one line of code written here
        return beanSearcher.search(User.class, MapUtils.flat(request.getParameterMap()), new String[]{ "age" });


This line of code can achieve:

For example, this API can be requested as follows:

✨ Parameter builder

Map<String, Object> params = MapUtils.builder()
        .selectExclude(User::getJoinDate)                 // Exclude joinDate field
        .field(User::getStatus, 1)                        // Filter:status = 1
        .field(User::getName, "Jack").ic()                // Filter:name = 'Jack' (case ignored)
        .field(User::getAge, 20, 30).op(Opetator.Between) // Filter:age between 20 and 30
        .orderBy(User::getAge, "asc")                     // Sorting by age ascending 
        .page(0, 15)                                      // Pagination: page=0 and size=15
List<User> users = beanSearcher.searchList(User.class, params);


🚀 Rapid development

Using Bean Searcher can greatly save the development time of the complex list retrieval apis!

🌱 Easy integration

Bean Searcher can work with any JavaWeb frameworks, such as: SpringBoot, SpringMVC, Grails, Jfinal and so on.

SpringBoot / Grails

All you need is to add a dependence:

implementation 'cn.zhxu:bean-searcher-boot-stater:4.3.1'

and then you can inject Searcher into a Controller or Service:

 * Inject a MapSearcher, which retrieved data is Map objects
private MapSearcher mapSearcher;

 * Inject a BeanSearcher, which retrieved data is generic objects
private BeanSearcher beanSearcher;

Solon Project

All you need is to add a dependence:

implementation 'cn.zhxu:bean-searcher-solon-plugin:4.3.1'

and then you can inject Searcher into a Controller or Service:

 * Inject a MapSearcher, which retrieved data is Map objects
private MapSearcher mapSearcher;

 * Inject a BeanSearcher, which retrieved data is generic objects
private BeanSearcher beanSearcher;

Other frameworks

Adding this dependence:

implementation 'cn.zhxu:bean-searcher:4.3.1'

then you can build a Searcher with SearcherBuilder:

DataSource dataSource = ...     // Get the dataSource of the application

// DefaultSqlExecutor suports multi datasources
SqlExecutor sqlExecutor = new DefaultSqlExecutor(dataSource);

// build a MapSearcher
MapSearcher mapSearcher = SearcherBuilder.mapSearcher()

// build a BeanSearcher
BeanSearcher beanSearcher = SearcherBuilder.beanSearcher()

🔨 Easy extended

You can customize and extend any component in Bean Searcher .

For example:

📚 Detailed documentation

Reference :https://bs.zhxu.cn

🤝 Friendship links

[ Sa-Token ] 一个轻量级 Java 权限认证框架,让鉴权变得简单、优雅!

[ Fluent MyBatis ] MyBatis 语法增强框架, 综合了 MyBatisPlus, DynamicSql,Jpa 等框架的特性和优点,利用注解处理器生成代码

[ OkHttps ] 轻量却强大的 HTTP 客户端,前后端通用,支持 WebSocket 与 Stomp 协议

[ hrun4j ] 接口自动化测试解决方案 --工具选得好,下班回家早;测试用得对,半夜安心睡

[ JsonKit ] 超轻量级 JSON 门面工具,用法简单,不依赖具体实现,让业务代码与 Jackson、Gson、Fastjson 等解耦!

[ Free UI ] 基于 Vue3 + TypeScript,一个非常轻量炫酷的 UI 组件库 !

❤️ How to contribute

  1. Fork code!
  2. Create your own branch: git checkout -b feat/xxxx
  3. Submit your changes: git commit -am 'feat(function): add xxxxx'
  4. Push your branch: git push origin feat/xxxx
  5. submit pull request