

On GANs and GMMs

Implementation of NDB and MFA per NeurIPS 2018 paper On GANs and GMMs by Eitan Richardson and Yair Weiss.

Check out our new pytorch implementation here.

NDB: An evaluation method for high-dimensional generative models
MFA: Mixture of Factor Analyzers for modeling high-dimensional data (e.g. full images)



Demo Scripts

Running the Standalone NDB MNIST Demo

The resulting binning histogram, and NDB (Number of statistically Different Bins) and JS (Jensen-Shannon Divergence) values:

<img src="images/mnist_histograms_100.png"/>

NDB evaluation on this toy example reveals that:

A plot showing the NDB bin centers and the statistically-different bins (with significance level = 3 standard-errors) in the simulated Val0-8 evaluated set. All bins corresponding to digit 9 are detected as statistically-different (marked in red).

<img src="images/bins_with_Val0-8_results_100.png"/>

The NDB test can be used to evaluate different generative models (e.g. GANs). In our paper, we demonstrate its performance on three datasets - CelebA, SVHN and MNIST.

Training MFA on CelebA

First, download the CelebA dataset from http://mmlab.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/projects/CelebA.html into some folder (default location is ../../Datasets/CelebA/). The CelebA folder should contain the subfolder img_align_celeba (containing all aligned and cropped images) and the text file list_eval_partition.txt.

Run python3 mfa_train_celeba.py ...

By Default, the script learns a Mixture of Factor Analyzers with 200 components and then breaks each component to additional components. While running, the code generates some plots that are also saved to the output folder (sorry, no TensorBoard...):

The first few components, showing each component mean, noise std and column-vectors of the scale matrix:

<img src="images/comp_directions_009999.jpg"/>

Random samples drawn from each component separately:

<img src="images/comp_samples_009999.jpg"/>

Random samples from the mixture:

<img src="images/rand_samples_009999.jpg"/>

The test log-likelihood progress:

Sub-components training

After training the main (root) components, the script continues to train sub-components (training is done hierarchically due to GPU memory limitations).

Below are examples for images generated for sub-components of one of the root components:

Components directions:

<img src="images/comp_directions_004999.jpg"/>

Random samples drawn from each sub-component separately:

<img src="images/comp_samples_004999.jpg"/>

Random samples from the mixture:

<img src="images/rand_samples_004999.jpg"/>

The test log-likelihood progress:

The MFA Implementation

mfa_train_celeba.py is a script that runs the training process.

The utils directory contains the interesting stuff:

    G_loss = -1.0 * mfa_tf.get_log_likelihood(X, *theta_G)
    G_solver = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate).minimize(G_loss, var_list=theta_G)

Training MFA on your own dataset

Most of the MFA code should be generic enough to support different datasets. Each data sample is flattened and represented as a (row) vector of floats. The interface to specific datasets is image_batch_provider.py. The current implementation supports CelebA, MNIST and SVHN. There are two options to support other datasets:

  1. Modify image_batch_provider.py: A small dataset can be preloaded like MNIST. Large datasets should be treated like CelebA, where only an image list is preloaded.
  2. Implement your own version of a data provider, exposing a similar API to image_batch_provider.py (i.e. m_train_images, num_test_images, get_next_minibatch_samples(), get_test_samples(test_size)