


Neo4j graph visualization using D3.js.




First of all, make sure you have ruby and sass gem installed. Then, clone the repository, install all dependencies, build and serve the project.

> gem install sass
> git clone https://github.com/eisman/neo4jd3.git
> npm install
> gulp

Open http://localhost:8080 in your favorite browser.


var neo4jd3 = new Neo4jd3('.selector', options);


highlightarrayHighlight several nodes of the graph.<br>Example:<br>[<br>    {<br>        class: 'Project',<br>        property: 'name',<br>        value: 'neo4jd3'<br>    }<br>]
iconsobjectMap node labels to Font Awesome icons.<br>Example:<br>{<br>    'BirthDate': 'birthday-cake',<br>    'Password': 'lock',<br>    'Phone': 'phone',<br>    'User': 'user'<br>}.
imagesobjectMap node labels to SVG images (e.g. using Twitter Emoji).<br>Example:<br>{<br>    'Address': 'img/twemoji/1f3e0.svg',<br>    'BirthDate': 'img/twemoji/1f382.svg',<br>    'Password': 'img/twemoji/1f511.svg',<br>    'Project': 'img/twemoji/2198.svg',<br>    'Project|name|neo4jd3': 'img/twemoji/2196.svg',<br>    'User': 'img/twemoji/1f600.svg'<br>}.
infoPanelbooleanShow the information panel: true, false. Default: true.
minCollisionintMinimum distance between nodes. Default: 2 * nodeRadius.
neo4jDataobjectGraph data in Neo4j data format.
neo4jDataUrlstringURL of the endpoint that serves the graph data in Neo4j data format.
nodeRadiusintRadius of nodes. Default: 25.
onNodeClickfunctionCallback function to be executed when the user clicks a node.
onNodeDoubleClickfunctionCallback function to be executed when the user double clicks a node.
onNodeDragEndfunctionCallback function to be executed when the user finishes dragging a node.
onNodeDragStartfunctionCallback function to be executed when the user starts dragging a node.
onNodeMouseEnterfunctionCallback function to be executed when the mouse enters a node.
onNodeMouseLeavefunctionCallback function to be executed when the mouse leaves a node.
onRelationshipDoubleClickfunctionCallback function to be executed when the user double clicks a relationship.
zoomFitbooleanAdjust the graph to the container once it has been loaded: true, false. Default: false.

JavaScript API

appendRandomDataToNode(d, maxNodesToGenerate)Generates between 1 and maxNodesToGenerate random nodes connected to node d and updates the graph data.
neo4jDataToD3Data(data)Converts data from Neo4j data format to D3.js data format.
randomD3Data(d, maxNodesToGenerate)Generates between 1 and maxNodesToGenerate random nodes connected to node d.
size()Returns the number of nodes and relationships.<br>Example:<br>{<br>    nodes: 25,<br>    relationships: 50<br>}
updateWithD3Data(d3Data)Updates the graph data using the D3.js data format.
updateWithNeo4jData(neo4jData)Updates the graph data using the Neo4j data format.
version()Returns the version of neo4jd3.js.<br>Example: '0.0.1'


D3.js data format

    "nodes": [
            "id": "1",
            "labels": ["User"],
            "properties": {
                "userId": "eisman"
            "id": "8",
            "labels": ["Project"],
            "properties": {
                "name": "neo4jd3",
                "title": "neo4jd3.js",
                "description": "Neo4j graph visualization using D3.js.",
                "url": "https://eisman.github.io/neo4jd3"
    "relationships": [
            "id": "7",
            "type": "DEVELOPES",
            "startNode": "1",
            "endNode": "8",
            "properties": {
                "from": 1470002400000
            "source": "1",
            "target": "8",
            "linknum": 1

Neo4j data format

    "results": [
            "columns": ["user", "entity"],
            "data": [
                    "graph": {
                        "nodes": [
                                "id": "1",
                                "labels": ["User"],
                                "properties": {
                                    "userId": "eisman"
                                "id": "8",
                                "labels": ["Project"],
                                "properties": {
                                    "name": "neo4jd3",
                                    "title": "neo4jd3.js",
                                    "description": "Neo4j graph visualization using D3.js.",
                                    "url": "https://eisman.github.io/neo4jd3"
                        "relationships": [
                                "id": "7",
                                "type": "DEVELOPES",
                                "startNode": "1",
                                "endNode": "8",
                                "properties": {
                                    "from": 1470002400000
    "errors": []


Live example @ https://eisman.github.io/neo4jd3/

var neo4jd3 = new Neo4jd3('#neo4jd3', {
    highlight: [
            class: 'Project',
            property: 'name',
            value: 'neo4jd3'
        }, {
            class: 'User',
            property: 'userId',
            value: 'eisman'
    icons: {
        'Api': 'gear',
        'BirthDate': 'birthday-cake',
        'Cookie': 'paw',
        'Email': 'at',
        'Git': 'git',
        'Github': 'github',
        'Ip': 'map-marker',
        'Issues': 'exclamation-circle',
        'Language': 'language',
        'Options': 'sliders',
        'Password': 'asterisk',
        'Phone': 'phone',
        'Project': 'folder-open',
        'SecurityChallengeAnswer': 'commenting',
        'User': 'user',
        'zoomFit': 'arrows-alt',
        'zoomIn': 'search-plus',
        'zoomOut': 'search-minus'
    images: {
        'Address': 'img/twemoji/1f3e0.svg',
        'BirthDate': 'img/twemoji/1f5d3.svg',
        'Cookie': 'img/twemoji/1f36a.svg',
        'CreditCard': 'img/twemoji/1f4b3.svg',
        'Device': 'img/twemoji/1f4bb.svg',
        'Email': 'img/twemoji/2709.svg',
        'Git': 'img/twemoji/1f5c3.svg',
        'Github': 'img/twemoji/1f5c4.svg',
        'icons': 'img/twemoji/1f38f.svg',
        'Ip': 'img/twemoji/1f4cd.svg',
        'Issues': 'img/twemoji/1f4a9.svg',
        'Language': 'img/twemoji/1f1f1-1f1f7.svg',
        'Options': 'img/twemoji/2699.svg',
        'Password': 'img/twemoji/1f511.svg',
        'Project|name|d3': 'img/twemoji/32-20e3.svg',
        'Project|name|neo4j': 'img/twemoji/33-20e3.svg',
        'Project|name|neo4jd3': 'img/twemoji/31-20e3.svg',
        'User': 'img/twemoji/1f600.svg'
    minCollision: 60,
    neo4jDataUrl: 'json/neo4jData.json',
    nodeRadius: 25,
    onNodeDoubleClick: function(node) {
        switch(node.id) {
            case '25':
                // Google
                window.open(node.properties.url, '_blank');
                var maxNodes = 5,
                    data = neo4jd3.randomD3Data(node, maxNodes);
    zoomFit: true

What's coming?

Copyright and license

Code and documentation copyright 2016 the author. Code released under the MIT license. Docs released under Creative Commons.