


Microsoft Reactive Extensions Clone in Perl


Working on lists with map/grep/List::Util/etc. is fun. But the items have to be actually in the list. Why can't we use the same powerful operators, even when the items are not in the list, because they are events in the future? With Reactive you can.

Use it for:

Relationship to...


Moose, aliased, Coro, EV, AnyEvent, Set::Object, Cairo, Gtk3, EV::Glib, Glib, JSON, autobox::Core, Curses



See eg/http_* for HTTP examples. They are the common promise/future examples, of chain, parallel, repeat etc.


See eg/sketch_no_rx.pl and eg/sketch_rx.pl for examples of a simple Gtk3 sketch app with and without Rx.

Note how when we program with events in this simple app, we need to:

The problem is scattering of the drawing concerns between the event handlers.

We want to handle buffering, filtering, side-effects (drawing), draw-toggle, each in one place. But we have to scatter them between the event handlers.

Now let's do it by doing stream computations, instead of event driven programming on state machines. Using the Reactive stream combinators, each drawing concern will be in one place.

To create a mouse sketching program, we want to transform low-level mouse events into a single application level event called sketch. The sketch handler requires a pair of points. It will draw a line between them. We need to make sure the handler gets called on the correct events, and with the correct args:

Here is how we build the $sketch observable stream:

$button_press   = Observable->from_mouse_press($canvas)
$button_release = Observable->from_mouse_release($canvas)

$button_stream = $button_press->merge($button_release)

$motion_stream = Observable->from_mouse_motion($canvas)
                           ->map(sub{ [$_->x, $_->y] })
                           ->unshift( [$window->get_pointer] );

$sketch = $button_stream->combine_latest($motion_stream)
                        ->buffer(2, 1)
                        ->grep(sub{ $_->[1]->[0] })
                        ->map(sub{ [map { @{$_->[1]} } @$_]});

When you subscribe, you will get point pairs exactly as per the spec above, and all you need to do is draw a line (or a point if the positions are identical):

    my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = @{$_[0]};
    draw_line($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1);

The above code requires some explaining. Note how the concerns are not tangled anymore (buffering is in 1 combinator, draw_line() is called only once). Also note the map/grep which make this code look like Perl Autobox code working on regular lists, though it is working on streams of events.

Let's go over how the $sketch observable stream is built, going from low-level to high-level events, and showing the marble diagrams for the combinators applied. We start by creating streams from the low-level events:

$button_press   = Observable->from_mouse_press($canvas)
$button_release = Observable->from_mouse_release($canvas)

This gives us 2 streams, one per mouse event, which we project to booleans using good ol' Perl map. But we want one stream not 2:

$button_stream  = $button_press->merge($button_release)

We merge them, and start the event with 0, assuming the user starts with button released. No way in Gtk actually to check this, but let's assume.

Here is how a pair of mouse clicks would look like in a marble diagram:

$button_press   ----------1--------------------1------------
$button_release ----------------0----------------------0----
merge           ----------1-----0--------------1-------0----
unshift(0)      0---------1-----0--------------1-------0----

Another primitive stream of mouse events:

$motion_stream = $Observable->from_mouse_motion($canvas)
                            ->map(sub{ [$_->x, $_->y] })
                            ->unshift( [$window->get_pointer] ));

We project it using map to the mouse coordinates, which is all we need from the notification, and make sure it starts with the real initial location of the mouse.

Now the crux of the biscuit, which we will go over line-by-line:

$sketch = $button_stream->combine_latest($motion_stream)

combine_latest passes every event from both streams. It attaches to each notification from one of the streams, the last received value from the other stream. So we now have a tuple of [button_state, mouse_position] fired on each button press/release/mouse move. Each tuple includes the latest events of each stream.

Here is the marble diagram for a button press, followed by some mouse motion and a button release, as we would get it after piping through combine_latest. Pi is i-th position of mouse.

$button_stream -0--------1-----------------------------0-----
$motion_stream ---P1---------------P2--------P3--------------
combine_latest -[0,P1]-[1,P1]----[1,P2]----[1,P3]----[0,P3]--

However, we are interested in pairs of points:

                        ->buffer(2, 1)

Buffer(2,1) buffers every pair of events from combine_latest, and shifts the buffer one event to the right. Thus we get a pair of the latest 2 notifications. Here is the stream above piped though buffer:

combine_latest -[0,P1]-[1,P1]----[1,P2]----[1,P3]----[0,P3]--
                      [[0,P1],  [[1,P1],  [[1,P2],  [[1,P3],
buffer(2,1)    ------- [1,P1],---[1,P2],---[1,P3],---[0,P3],-
                      ]         ]         ]         ]

Turns out the we are only interested in those notifications which end in a mouse press state. Here is a list of the possible pair types we will receive:

[[0,Pi],[0,Pj]] - don't draw, mouse is being moved without button press
[[1,Pi],[1,Pj]] - draw a line [Pi,Pj] because user is sketching
[[0,Pi],[1,Pi]] - draw a point, which is just the line [Pi,Pi]
[[1,Pi],[0,Pi]] - mouse being released, don't draw anything

We now understand exactly when we need to draw a line, and when we need to do nothing.

We can find the notifications we need using grep. We seek only those buffers where the second event was fired with button pressed:

                        ->grep(sub{ $_->[1]->[0] })

Finally we map the notifications into a pair of x,y coordinates, throwing away the mouse button state, and flattening them, so that they are ready to be sent to the sketch subscribers:

                        ->map(sub{ [map { @{$_->[1]} } @$_]});

Leading to the following marble diagram:

                      [[0,P1],  [[1,P1],  [[1,P2],  [[1,P3],
buffer(2,1)    ------- [1,P1],---[1,P2],---[1,P3],---[0,P3],-
                      ]         ]         ]         ]
grep + map     -------[P1,P1]---[P1,P2]---[P2,P3]------------

And here is the entire pipeline in one big image, showing a short sketch session, from mouse events to the sketch event:

Sketch Marble Diagram

What Works

Differences vs. .NET Rx