


Generate notification emails from Mastodon toots.

Configure Mastodon accounts and hashtags you want to follow and receive notification emails for toots in the monitored accounts.

This can be used to passively follow Mastodon accounts without having to subscribe yourself.

It works completely by using the public interface APIs of Mastodon.

Installation and setup

Toot2Mail requires Python 3.9 or newer. Clone the GIT repository and start the script toot2mail.py, ideally on a regular basis e.g. as cronjob.


Before using Toot2Mail, you need to create a configuration file called toot2mail.conf. Toot2Mail will search for toot2mail.conf in the following locations (in that order):

An example configuration file can be found in the sources or online at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/eht16/toot2mail/main/toot2mail.conf.example.

For details on the configuration options, consider the comments in the example configuration file.


Use this tool at your own risk only. There is no warranty at all.


Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de