


Protect files with DES encryption

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<img src="https://github.com/ehsan-mohammadi/eRamz/blob/master/Images/eRamzLogo.png" width="120" height="120" />

eRamz is an open source and free console application to encrypt your files. It's based on DES encryption.

<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/ehsan-mohammadi/eRamz/blob/master/Images/eRamzImage2.png" width="600"/> <img src="https://github.com/ehsan-mohammadi/eRamz/blob/master/Images/eRamzImage1.png"/> </p>

Getting start

If you just want to download and use eRamz, you can use the following link:

Download eRamz

After download, unzip the file and run eRamzPath.bat file.

But if you want to get the source of eRamz, just use git clone https://github.com/ehsan-mohammadi/eRamz.git and open the project in Visual Studio.


For encrypt your file, use this instruction:

eramz encrypt [8-character key] [file name]

For decrypt your file, use this instruction:

eramz decrypt [8-character key] [file name]


eRamz is licensed under the MIT © Ehsan Mohammadi.