

This Tensorflow fork is based on the seq2seq tutorial and attempts to reproduce the archiecture of "Neural Machine Translation by jointly learning to align and translate" (Bahdanau et al 2015).

A typical config.ini file looks like this:
use_lstm: True
embedding_size: 620
hidden_size: 1000
num_layers: 1
num_samples: 0
norm_digits: False
use_seqlen: True
use_src_mask: True
maxout_layer: True
encoder: bidirectional
opt_algorithm: sgd
learning_rate: 1.0
learning_rate_decay_factor: 0.99
adjust_lr: False
max_gradient_norm: 1.0
batch_size: 80
src_lang: en
trg_lang: de
max_sequence_length: 50
train_sequential: True
num_symm_buckets: 5
add_src_eos: True
no_pad_symbol: True
init_backward: True
variable_prefix: nmt
max_train_batches: 800000
eval_bleu: True
eval_bleu_start: 10000
eval_frequency: 10
single_src_embedding: True
src_vocab_size: 53981
trg_vocab_size: 53971

The trainer is called like this (all data is expected to have been integer-mapped):
python $tensorflow/tensorflow/models/rnn/translate/train.py \
--train_dir=$train_dir \
--train_src_idx=train.ids.src \
--train_trg_idx=train.ids.trg \
--dev_src_idx=dev.ids.src \
--dev_trg_idx=dev.ids.trg \

The bag-to-sequence model presented in the paper "A Comparison of Neural Models for Word Ordering" (Hasler et al. 2017, http://aclweb.org/anthology/W17-3531) can be trained by setting the encoder to 'bow'. A sample config.ini file for the bag-to-sequence model is shown below. The trainer is called in the same way as above with source and target data are in the same language. The source data can optionally be shuffled as source sequence information is not encoded in the model.

use_lstm: True
embedding_size: 620
hidden_size: 1000
num_layers: 1
num_samples: 0
norm_digits: False
use_src_mask: True
maxout_layer: True
encoder: bow
opt_algorithm: sgd
learning_rate: 1.0
learning_rate_decay_factor: 0.99
adjust_lr: False
max_gradient_norm: 1.0
batch_size: 80
src_vocab_size: 50003
trg_vocab_size: 50003
src_lang: de
trg_lang: de
max_sequence_length: 50
train_sequential: True
num_symm_buckets: 5
add_src_eos: False
no_pad_symbol: True
bow_init_const: False
use_bow_mask: True