Tools for exploring snowmelt timing using Sentinel-1 C-band SAR
This repository contains notebooks and tools to identify snowmelt timing using timeseries analysis of backscatter of Sentinel-1 C-band SAR. The newer tools in this toolbox use the Sentinel 1 Radiometrically Terrain Corrected (RTC) product hosted on Microsoft Planetary Computer.
Click here to get to the quickstart example. For more advanced use cases, please see the examples folder for notebooks that demonstrate example analysis that can be done using this toolbox. Check out the rendered notebooks using nbviewer.
Originally, this toolbox made use of Analysis Ready Sentinel-1 Backscatter Imagery (Sentinel-1 RTC data) hosted on AWS managed by Indigo Ag, Inc.
I'm currently in the process of cleaning up this repo, adding new starter code, and making these tools pip installable.
Geophysical Research Letters paper: Capturing the Onset of Mountain Snowmelt Runoff Using Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar
Check out the paper that introduces this toolbox here.
Slight correction: In the plain language summary, the version of record contains the text:
- "Finally, from 2016 to 2022, we documented a shift toward snowmelt happening earlier in the year, which means earlier spring flow in rivers.".
This should be:
- "Finally, from 2016 to 2022, we documented a shift toward snowmelt happening later in the year, which means later spring flow in rivers."
to be consistent with our findings and the rest of our text. My apologies for the oversight. -eric
Example: Large scale processing of snowmelt runoff onset
Gif of interactive snowmelt runoff onset map of the western US hosted here. Code to process individual MGRS tiles in process_mgrs.ipynb. Built the interactive map using this repository, based on Scott Henderson's template.
Check out the intro_example.ipynb notebook for a simple use case!
Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to email me for questions/collaborations at
All my best,