


A command line tool for semantic search over text input.


~> man ls | hae "how to show file sizes" -n 1 -hl
   The Long Format
     If the -l option is given, the following information is displayed for
     each file: file mode, number of links, owner name, group name, number of
     bytes in the file, abbreviated month, day-of-month file was last
     modified, hour file last modified, minute file last modified, and the

hae is best suited for use cases where your input text contains up to thousands of paragraphs. Try it with some text on the clipboard, an RSS feed converted to JSON, or with a cup of coffee ☕ and a nice book 📖 from Project Gutenberg!

Disclaimer: hae is experimental software intended primarily for interactive use, and should not be considered ready for production applications.



For Linux and Apple Silicon Macs you can download a prebuilt binary. You can also build from source as described below.

Build from source

The repo contains a build script that also downloads the SentenceTransformers embedding model and converts it to ONNX format using Python libraries. So you will need some tools installed.

The build steps are as follows:

The application and the ONNX runtime dynamic library required to run it will be found under ./dist.
