


A spec-compliant implementation & polyfill for Intl.PluralRules, including the selectRange(start, end) method introduced in Intl.NumberFormat v3. Also useful if you need proper support for minimumFractionDigits, which are only supported in Chrome 77 & later.

For a polyfill without selectRange() and with IE 11 support, please use intl-pluralrules@1.


npm install intl-pluralrules


To use as a polyfill, just import it to ensure that Intl.PluralRules is available in your environment:

import 'intl-pluralrules'

If Intl.PluralRules already exists, includes a selectRange() method, and supports multiple locales, the polyfill will not be loaded.


A complete implementation of PluralRules is available as intl-pluralrules/plural-rules, if you'd prefer using it without modifying your Intl object, or if you wish to use it rather than your environment's own:

import PluralRules from 'intl-pluralrules/plural-rules'

new PluralRules('en').select(1) // 'one'
new PluralRules('en', { minimumSignificantDigits: 3 }).select(1) // 'other'
new PluralRules('en').selectRange(0, 1) // 'other'
new PluralRules('fr').selectRange(0, 1) // 'one'


In order to support all available locales, their data needs to be included in the package. This means that when minified and gzipped, the above-documented usage adds about 7kB to your application's production size. If this is a concern, you can use intl-pluralrules/factory and make-plural to build a PluralRules class with locale support limited to only what you actually use.

Thanks to tree-shaking, this example that only supports English and French minifies & gzips to 1472 bytes. Do note that this size difference is only apparent with minified production builds.

import getPluralRules from 'intl-pluralrules/factory'
import { en, fr } from 'make-plural/plurals'
import { en as enCat, fr as frCat } from 'make-plural/pluralCategories'
import { en as enRange, fr as frRange } from 'make-plural/ranges'

const sel = { en, fr }
const getSelector = lc => sel[lc]

const cat = { en: enCat, fr: frCat }
const getCategories = (lc, ord) => cat[lc][ord ? 'ordinal' : 'cardinal']

const range = { en: enRange, fr: frRange }
const getRangeSelector = lc => range[lc]

const PluralRules = getPluralRules(
  Intl.NumberFormat, // Not available in IE 10
export default PluralRules

All arguments of getPluralRules(NumberFormat, getSelector, getCategories, getRangeSelector) are required.