



Pipeline Lines of Code Coverage Bugs Duplicated Lines (%)

Pipeline Lines of Code Coverage Bugs Duplicated Lines (%)

Watch a 5 minutes "elevator pitch" for volto-slate

An alternative text editor for Volto, capable of completely replacing the default richtext editor while offering enhanced functionality and behavior. We believe that, in order to succeed, Volto's richtext form editor (the Volto Composite Page editor) needs strong integration between the rich text capabilities and the rest of the Volto blocks. Some examples of the kind of strong integration we have in mind:

While this addon is still in an early alpha stage, we've solved most of the big issues, the API starts to stabilize and we've already started several addons based on it: https://github.com/eea/volto-slate-metadata-mentions/ and https://github.com/eea/volto-slate-zotero


Some of the main reasons that drove us to create volto-slate instead of enhancing Volto's draftjs implementation:


Upgrade to 4.x.x

Upgrade to 3.x.x

Available profiles.

volto-slate provides several optional configuration:


1. Hovering (floating) toolbar that shows up on selection

Screen Recording

2. Optional expanded (fixed) toolbar

Screen Recording

3. Working with links (internal, external, email)

Screen Recording

4. Removing links

Screen Recording

5. Editing links

Screen Recording

6. Block-quotes

Screen Recording

7. Split paragraph block in two with Enter key and join them back with Backspace key

Screen Recording

8. Breaking and joining list items

Screen Recording

9. Breaking (with expanded selection) and joining list items

Screen Recording

10. Inserting a new list item at the end

Screen Recording

11. Two Enter key presses in the last empty list item creates a new list

Screen Recording

12. Using Up and Down keys to go through the blocks in both directions

Screen Recording

13. Changing indent level of list items using Tab and Shift-Tab keys

Screen Recording

14. Splitting a list block with Enter into two list blocks

Screen Recording

15. Support for markdown bulleted lists with *, - and +

Screen Recording

16. Support for markdown numbered lists with 1. - 9.

Screen Recording

17. Backspace with cursor on first position inside a list with just one item converts the list to a paragraph

Screen Recording

18. Creating a new text block with Enter at the end of a text block and removing it with Backspace

Screen Recording

19. Switching the list type (numbered list to/from bulleted list)

Screen Recording

Getting started

Try volto-slate with Docker

  1. Get the latest Docker images

    docker pull plone
    docker pull plone/volto
  2. Start Plone backend

    docker run -d --name plone -p 8080:8080 -e SITE=Plone -e PROFILES="profile-plone.restapi:blocks" plone
  3. Start Volto frontend

    docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 --link plone -e ADDONS="volto-slate:asDefault" plone/volto
  4. Go to http://localhost:3000

  5. Login with admin:admin

  6. Create a new Page and add a new Text block.

Add volto-slate to your Volto project

  1. Make sure you have a Plone backend up-and-running at http://localhost:8080/Plone

  2. Start Volto frontend

  1. Go to http://localhost:3000

  2. Happy editing!


To write a new plugin, please refer plugins


We aim to achieve a good coverage for cypress. Please refer to commands listed here to ease the process of writing new tests.


Automatic release using Jenkins

Manual release from the develop branch ( beta release )

Installation and configuration of release-it

You need to first install the release-it client.

npm install -g release-it

Release-it uses the configuration written in the .release-it.json file located in the root of the repository.

Release-it is a tool that automates 4 important steps in the release process:

  1. Version increase in package.json ( increased from the current version in package.json)
  2. CHANGELOG.md automatic generation from commit messages ( grouped by releases )
  3. GitHub release on the commit with the changelog and package.json modification on the develop branch
  4. NPM release ( by default it's disabled, but can be enabled in the configuration file )

To configure the authentification, you need to export GITHUB_TOKEN for GitHub


To configure npm, you can use the npm login command or use a configuration file with a TOKEN :

echo "//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" > .npmrc

Using release-it tool

There are 3 yarn scripts that can be run to do the release

yarn release-beta

Automatically calculates and presents 3 beta versions - patch, minor and major for you to choose ( or Other for manual input).

? Select increment (next version):
❯ prepatch (0.1.1-beta.0)
  preminor (0.2.0-beta.0)
  premajor (1.0.0-beta.0)
  Other, please specify...
yarn release-major-beta

Same as yarn release-beta, but with premajor version pre-selected.

yarn release

Generic command, does not automatically add the beta to version, but you can still manually write it if you choose Other.

Important notes

Do not use release-it tool on master branch, the commit on CHANGELOG.md file and the version increase in the package.json file can't be done without a PULL REQUEST.

Do not keep Pull Requests from develop to master branches open when you are doing beta releases from the develop branch. As long as a PR to master is open, an automatic script will run on every commit and will update both the version and the changelog to a production-ready state - ( MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH mandatory format for version).

How to contribute



A lot of inspiration from the great Slate Plugins repository, especially the autoformat handlers.

Copyright and license

The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment Agency (EEA). All Rights Reserved.

See LICENSE.md for details.


European Environment Agency (EU)