

Volto Arcgis Block for Copernicus site


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ArcGIS Map integration for Volto blocks

This Volto block allows adding a map block into your site but it has several dependencies.

This block has been implemented to fit the needs of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service, and as such, it requires an specific endpoint on the Plone site to retrieve the information to be shown in the map.

This endpoint is called @mapviewer and an example implementation is in the clms.types product.

This means that the product is not generic enough to show any ArcGIS map.


To create custom styles, we need to add it in the block configuration and import the Less file into our project.

  1. Add the new styles in the custom Blocks configuration:
import { ARCGIS_BLOCK } from '@eeacms/volto-arcgis-block/constants';

const customBlocks = (config) => ({
    styles: {
      land: {
        title: 'Land style',
        customClass: 'land',
  1. Import the CSS in your project:
@import url('maps.less');
  1. CSS structure:
.land { // <-- Wrap your design inside a class with the name you used in customClass
    .map {
        width: 100%;
        height: 600px;
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;

    .esri-view .esri-view-surface--inset-outline:focus::after {
        outline: none !important;

    .esri-component.esri-zoom.esri-widget {
        margin-bottom: 0;
        box-shadow: none;

Note: If the style selector does not show your new style, try to change the order of the declaration of the addons in package.json, giving preference to volto-arcgis-block

"addons": [

Style example volto-arcgis-block


Automatic release using Jenkins

Manual release from the develop branch ( beta release )

Installation and configuration of release-it

You need to first install the release-it client.

npm install -g release-it

Release-it uses the configuration written in the .release-it.json file located in the root of the repository.

Release-it is a tool that automates 4 important steps in the release process:

  1. Version increase in package.json ( increased from the current version in package.json)
  2. CHANGELOG.md automatic generation from commit messages ( grouped by releases )
  3. GitHub release on the commit with the changelog and package.json modification on the develop branch
  4. NPM release ( by default it's disabled, but can be enabled in the configuration file )

To configure the authentification, you need to export GITHUB_TOKEN for GitHub


To configure npm, you can use the npm login command or use a configuration file with a TOKEN :

echo "//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" > .npmrc

Using release-it tool

There are 3 yarn scripts that can be run to do the release

yarn release-beta

Automatically calculates and presents 3 beta versions - patch, minor and major for you to choose ( or Other for manual input).

? Select increment (next version):
❯ prepatch (0.1.1-beta.0)
  preminor (0.2.0-beta.0)
  premajor (1.0.0-beta.0)
  Other, please specify...
yarn release-major-beta

Same as yarn release-beta, but with premajor version pre-selected.

yarn release

Generic command, does not automatically add the beta to version, but you can still manually write it if you choose Other.

Important notes

Do not use release-it tool on master branch, the commit on CHANGELOG.md file and the version increase in the package.json file can't be done without a PULL REQUEST.

Do not keep Pull Requests from develop to master branches open when you are doing beta releases from the develop branch. As long as a PR to master is open, an automatic script will run on every commit and will update both the version and the changelog to a production-ready state - ( MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH mandatory format for version).

How to contribute