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Daff: diff, patch and merge for data.frames

daff is an R package that can find difference in values between data.frames, store this difference, render it and apply this difference to patch a data.frame. It can also merge two versions of a data.frame having a common parent. It wraps the daff.js library using the V8 package.

The diff format is described in https://paulfitz.github.io/daff-doc/spec.html.



You can install the development version of daff from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")



Calculate the difference between a reference and a changed data.frame

y <- iris[1:3,]
x <- y

x <- head(x,2) # remove a row
x[1,1] <- 10 # change a value
x$hello <- "world"  # add a column
x$Species <- NULL # remove a column

patch <- diff_data(y, x)

# write a patch to disk
write_diff(patch, "patch.csv")

render_diff(patch) will generate the following HTML page:

<figure> <img src="man/figures/render_diff.png" title="render_diff" alt="render_diff" /> <figcaption aria-hidden="true"> render_diff </figcaption> </figure>


Patch a data.frame using a diff generated with diff_data.

# read a diff from disk
patch <- read_diff("patch.csv")

# apply patch
y_patched <- patch_data(y, patch)


Merge two data.frames that have diverged from a common parent data.frame.

parent <- a <- b <- iris[1:3,]
a[1,1] <- 10
b[2,1] <- 11
# succesful merge
merge_data(parent, a, b)

parent <- a <- b <- iris[1:3,]
a[1,1] <- 10
b[1,1] <- 11
# conflicting merge (both a and b change same cell)
merged <- merge_data(parent, a, b)
merged #note the conflict

#find out which rows contain a conflict